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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Classes
  2. Cedar Tree - Year 3/4
  3. Cedar Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Cedar Tree Class Blog

Cedar Tree Class

Cedar Week 3 Autumn 1 w.c 18.09.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Firstly, a huge thank you to you all for ensuring your children were able to attend out trips this week - I do greatly appreciate the earlier start for everybody and the adjustments you will have made to pick up at a later time. Both Year 3 and Year 4 children were a credit to the school and Murton Park even let us do 'extra' immersive Viking experiences because the children had been so attentive. Thank you children. Photos of the trip will soon be uploaded but please bear with us as we have to check photo permissions etc and with over 1,000 images to check it does take some time to upload. I do hope you have enjoyed hearing about the children's experiences from them when they got back home.

We have also been busy preparing for our first piece of assessed 'published' writing and the children will be using their Viking knowledge to complete that next week. In Maths, we have been working on place value up to 1,000 and 10,000. In Science, we have been learning about all things bone related - even that Skull originates from a Viking word!

Please have a happy, safe and fun weekend.

Mr Dring

Cedar Week 2 Autumn 1 w.c 11.09.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


What an amazing week of adventure! We have all been learning Lacrosse for the first time, about raiding Vikings, place value up to 1,000 or 10,000, reminding ourselves how to use description and intonation to inspire our readers or listeners. We focused on our speed and accuracy recall of our 2x tables and it's the 5s next week. The Department for Education end of Year 4 assessment expects all children to be able to recall any 0x1 to 12x12 within 6 seconds.

Reminder it is the Year group 4 trip on Wednesday and Year group 3 trip on Thursday. Please make sure your child arrives promptly from 8am outside their usual classroom as the bus is due to depart before the start of the normal school day. Unfortunately, we are unable to wait for any latecomers because the coach has another booking after dropping us off. Ensure your child is dressed appropriately in their school uniform, comfortable outdoor shoes and waterproof  coats etc for the expected weather and have their packed lunch - unless you have already asked us to provide it as part of the FSM scheme. We are due back by 4:30pm but as we can not control traffic, please be aware the school office will contact you if there are any delays en route back.

I would personally like to thank you for your patience as we implement new school systems but also your regular communication to ensure that between us we are providing your child with the best start in life that's possible.

I wish you all a happy, fun and safe weekend.

Mr Dring

Cedar Week 1 Autumn 1 2023 w.c 05.09.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Welcome back to Rufford Park and welcome to our weekly class blog where we will share the learning we have undertaken in class. It will be updated every Friday each week of term. What a fabulous start to the year! It has been lovely getting to know the children this week. They have settled in really well and I have been extremely impressed with how positive and enthusiastic they have all been whilst settling into our new classroom and routines. I have had such an enjoyable start to each day because the children have welcomed me every day with such happy beaming smiles despite potentially underlying start of term nerves.

We are very excited to share that we have been able to organise a visit to Murton Park this half term to support us with our new topic about the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons. Further details regarding the trip will be shared via a letter sent home with your child soon.

It was also lovely to meet so many grown ups this week either at our class door or during our Wednesday drop in sessions before and after school.

I am here to support both your child and you so if you have any questions or are unsure of information we send out, please just let me or the office know (at the class door, via the Cedar class email address or via the Office telephone or email).

I'm looking forward to a working with you and your child for a delightful year in Cedar Tree Class.

Mr Dring    

Cedar Week 7 Summer 2 End of Term, end of an era?

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Well this came far too quickly for us in Cedar. We have had lots of fun, laughter and enjoyment as we worked our way through the many challenges the year brought us as a class and individually. I am so, so, so proud of each and every one of the children. They are an amazing bunch. We have delved into ponds, used chalks to understand map coordinates, practised timestables, sung timestables, danced timestables, undertaken an array of P.E teamwork challenges, been Romans for the day, dressed in a variety of non-uniform costumes, read many, many, many books that have inspired us all to develop our writing 'voices'. But most of all we have tried, we have given it a go, we have smiled, laughed and celebrated as a team. We are Cedar class 2023!

I would like to thank you all for your unstinting support of both your child and Cedar class this year - I do greatly appreciate it. Thank you also for the lovely, positive messages you have shared with me either at the classroom door, via email or in written form.

I will not only miss the children but also you because you have added to the enjoyment I have had alongside the pleasure to teach each and every one of your children in my first year here at Rufford Park Primary.

Please have fun, safe and happy holidays and don't forget to say hello if you pass by Cedar class - you are always welcome.

Mr Dring

Cedar Week 6 w/e 14.7.23 Summer 2

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Yet another busy but less sunny week. Thank you for all of you that 'braved' the rain and were able to cheer the children on at Sports Day. Despite the rain affected schedule, the children are still talking about the fun that they had. It was great to see the Rufford Park spirit on display with everyone supporting each other no matter which house or class they belonged to.

In English, we have been learning about poetry and the children are mid way through composing their own Haiku poems. 

Next week, the children will start to bring home their workbooks from this year so they can share the success and progress they have made with you. Year 4s will bring home their dictionaries that the Rotary Club donated to them last year - they have been a great resource to support the children in their ambitious word choices this year. 

Please can all school reading books be returned as early as possible next week - this allows school time to check the condition of the resources and time to ensure that your child receives their correctly matched reading books in September. Thank you for your support with this.

In Maths, Year 3 are finishing their unit on statistics - bar charts, tally charts etc and Year 4 are finishing their unit on position - translating shapes on charts and using line graphs.

Today, your child will have brought home their end of year report - we hope you enjoy sharing the success your child has had this year and if you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact school. 

Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you and well done to all of the children on how they have approached the transition to their classes for next year. We have had lots of fun discussions about what next academic year might bring for them.

Have a lovely weekend

Mr Dring

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