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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Cedar Tree - Year 3/4
  3. Cedar Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Cedar Tree Class Blog

Cedar Tree Class

Cedar Week 3 - 20.01.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


The children are loving trying to learn our poem "Adventures of Isabelle" off by heart - it is certainly a challenge but we love it's comic content which has had us all laughing together.

Year 3 have spent more time developing their Netball skills and are already applying these new skills to small team games - well done. Year 4 every morning are working in small groups to practise their full times table skills in the government's 6 second time limit. Please keep practising at home too using Mathsframe MTC (free) as the smile on the children's faces if they score 25/25 (the government target) is heart-warming. 

Our volcano setting descriptions are being finalised with many vicious, violent erupting words being used with confidence it is lovely to see each child's writing style and 'voice' developing.

In Computing we have been exploring online safety and particularly the term cyberbullying and personal safety online. Please try to take time to discuss any concerns your child has when using electronic devices outside of school as several discussed how they had had to report unwanted contact they had received whilst being online at home through gaming, mobile, tablet or other devices. If you need any support regarding parental controls on devices please ask us or visit, or .

Thank you

Mr Dring

Cedar Week 2 Spring 1 13.01.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Wow - what an inspiring week. I think it is safe to say that the volcano topic has grabbed every child's attention and we have all enjoyed sharing everyone's experiences of volcanoes, knowledge of volcanoes, endless questions about volcanoes. It has also been fascinating to see the various items children have been kindly given permission to bring in and share with the class. We have all been enthralled too by the ideas we have been able to create for our volcano setting descriptions and it has been really heart warming to share their work with so many of you at home times.

In Maths we continue with our multiplication and division units and the Year 4 children have started their more focussed practice at recalling their times tables in 6 seconds ready for their government Multiplication Times table Check.

We have provisionally arranged for a Year 4 Nell Bank residential parent/child meeting on Tuesday 31st January 3:30pm to 4pm to give you more detailed information and answer any further questions. 

Thank you

Mr Dring

Cedar 2023 Week 1 w/e 06.01.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class

Hello and Happy New Year

Although a shorter week for the children, they have been extremely busy learning skills and knowledge linked to our new overarching topic of Vicious Volcanoes and Fragile Fossils. If you would like more detail of individual subject content please se our updated class page on the school website. I have been bowled over by the children's enthusiasm for the start of our topic and their willingness to share their knowledge already.

In Maths we continue with our multiplication and division units and already have celebrated two more of the children progressing from Bronze to Silver and Silver to Gold Award in their times tables. In addition, look out for your child coming home with post it notes - this is part of them practising their times table knowledge against the Department for Education timings of 6 seconds per question in preparation for the Year 4 Multiplication Check later this year. The post it note will give you and your child a clearer snapshot of their score out of 25 and any calculations that they need to practise more.

Year 4 parents also keep an eye out for further information regarding our Parent/Guardian meeting about the upcoming Residential - a perfect opportunity for you and your child to learn more about the trip and ask any questions before we go.

Well done to all those children who attended the Young Voices concert this week - I think they thoroughly enjoyed it.

Thank you

Mr Dring

Cedar Class w/e 16.1 to describe things

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


What a fantastic, fun and festive week we have all had this week. Thank you to all of you that were able to attend our LKS2 Christmas Story Carol performance - the children were so excited to share their hard work with you. Also, thank you so much for all of your voluntary contributions for both the Christmas Fair donations and the LKS2 Party donations - we were overwhelmed. It made the children's day. Thank you, we do really appreciate your generosity. The children have been busy developing their multiplication and division skills in Maths, their grammar skills in English lessons. In History we have been learning more about ancient Pompeii and we will finish the exciting end to our class novel The Thieves of Ostia today!

For those parents who have been asking if what they can practise skills wise with their child - the key skills little and often are reading, their recall of the full timetables, using more ambitious vocabulary (not just nice, small, big), a reminder when writing that capital letters for names etc are vital and in preparation for next term being able to read a clock both 12 and 24hrs would really help them. Thank you.

On behalf of the LKS2 team may we wish you a very happy, fun and safe holiday and a wonderful start to your New Year. We have spent time this week reminding them about water safety - particularly around icy water.

Finally, thank you also to everyone who have wished Miss Roberts and I a happy holiday in some way, it has made our day. See you all in 2023.

Thank you

Mr Dring

Cedar Class w.c 05.12.22

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


The children have had another busy week developing their column addition and subtraction skills, calculating the areas of shapes and honing their speed of recall of their times table facts. In their writing, the children have been planning and drafting descriptive formal letters. A reminder this is the last week for swimming this term for our Year 4s and we wish good luck to our cross country runners this Saturday. Finally, we have been busy practising for our Christmas Story singing next Monday and hope that you can join us to celebrate the children's efforts.

Have a happy weekend

Mr Dring

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