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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Classes
  2. Cedar Tree - Year 3/4
  3. Cedar Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Cedar Tree Class Blog

Cedar Tree Class

Cedar Summer 1 Week 1 w/e 21.04.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


We have had a really positive start back from the Easter break and have delved straight into out learning tasks with great enthusiasm. We are all really enjoying learning about our new unit Stone Age to Iron Age - we will see if this is even more than the Volcano unit - already we know Otley Chevin is a site we could visit on a weekend to seek out the Iron Age settlement remains. In Reading we are all reading Stone Age Boy and love the illustrations that helps us understand the text too. In English we are learning how to write instructional texts to help people understand how to do certain tasks e.g follow a recipe. Our P.E this half term involves Y4 swimming, Y3/4 hockey and Y3 athletics.

Reminder on Monday that we all have either Year 3 or Year 4 Scooter or Road Safety workshops run by Leeds Road Safety Team which we are all looking forward to. 

May I remind you that if you are unsure of dates or details for school events please contact school directly in the first instance. Unfortunately, this week we have had some children and parent/carers confused because a message has been shared via social media that contains inaccurate or mistaken information. Occasionally, for logistical reasons, different timings will apply for children in the different LKS2 classes and so messages may differ depending on the class/year group your child is in. Remember, for contact you have myself as classroom teacher, the Cedar class email account and either email/phone or face to face contact via the school office to support you.

I wish you a happy and safe weekend.

Thank you

Mr Dring

Cedar Week 6 Spring 2

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


We have thoroughly enjoyed bring our volcano unit to an end with our presentations of our homework projects - thank you for supporting them in their creations and bringing them into school on time. It was great to see all the fantastic and diverse ways of presenting their facts - from cakes, PowerPoints, 3D sculptures, videos and working models. This has definitely been a unit that has caught all of their imaginations.

Thank you for returning the permission slips so the children can participate in the Summer 1 Leeds City Council road safety sessions in and around school and the local area.

It was with sadness we said good bye to Miss Roberts this week but we wished her good luck with her new role outside of education.

I hope you all have a happy, fun and safe holiday.

Mr Dring

Cedar Week 5 Spring 2

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


What an exciting week - we are so proud of all of the children who were able to participate in the Joseph choir performances throughout the week, they were superstars! Thank you for your support with this we do appreciate it.

We have been learning about electric currents in circuits, fossil formation, limericks, tag rugby, why the Bible is important to most Christians and have now moved onto Fractions in both Year 3 and 4 Maths.

Mr Dring

Cedar w/e 17.03.23 Week 4

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


We have been extremely busy creating our own limericks as part of our poetry Writing unit and had lots of fun trying to find ambitious vocabulary that rhymes in 5 lines following the AABBA pattern. 

The children have also been working hard on applying their Maths and Reading skills in their NFER assessments and I am so proud how their resilience, ability to always have a go and try new challenges has soared since the Autumn assessments. The children have asked me to pass on to you that they find time and measuring in litres/ml the trickiest part of Maths so far so please include them if you can if you are baking etc.

We have been joining the Year 5 children for the Joseph rehearsals this week and we hope you like our contribution as part of the choir ensemble. There are some very fast rhythms and high notes to hit! Thank you to all of you that are able to support the school production.

We hope you have a good weekend in the slightly raised temperatures.

Mr Dring

Cedar w/e 10.03.23 Wk 3 Spring 2

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


I hope everyone is staying safe but having fun due to the forced closure of school by the weather - we were lucky to dodge it for our residential. Thank you again to all parents/carers who ensured their children were able to experience the Year 4 residential or the additional Year 3 learning opportunities in school this week. Below, I will upload a selection of the many 1000s of photos we were able to take at Nell Bank as soon as they are available. Don't worry Year 3s - whilst I was there, Nell Bank confirmed our dates for your residential next year!

Despite the reduced timetable this week, we have been very busy publishing our non chronological reports about extreme Earth events, continued to measure in mm, cm, mm and also started to calculate perimeters of rectilinear shapes. In Science, we have started our Electricity unit and continue to develop our chronology skills using Mary Anning's life achievements involving fossils as our subject.

Have a great weekend

Mr Dring

Year 4 residential link

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