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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Classes
  2. Cedar Tree - Year 3/4
  3. Cedar Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Cedar Tree Class Blog

Cedar Tree Class

Cedar Week 5 Autumn 2 w.e 08.12.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


A wonderful week this week with Year 3 participating in their last cooking lesson (next half term, another 12 Year 3s from Willow class will take their turn), a final rehearsal of our LKS2 Christmas celebration assembly and the children have published their 'Viking' newspapers about the Lindisfarne raid.

In Computing we have continued to program a sprite to write our initials on screen, in Science we continue to learn about different healthy diets, in History we have participated in an inter-class competition of the Viking strategy board games we have made and in Design Technology we have continued to explore how to build kites.

Thank you to all Year 4 parents who have returned their E1 residential medical forms that we are required to collect on behalf of Leeds Council in order to be able to take your children to Nell Bank. If you still haven't returned your child's form yet, please do so as soon as possible so that we can make sure your child is able to participate in this great team event.

Have an amazing weekend

Mr Dring

Cedar Week 4 Autumn 2 w.e 01.12.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Thank you to everybody who was able to support the Christmas Fair - we do really appreciate it and all funds raised are used to enhance the children's experience at Rufford Park!

We have been busy planning, drafting, editing and publishing our newspaper reports about the 793 A.D (C.E)  Lindisfarne raid as part of our writing unit linked to our Viking and Anglo-Saxons topic.

We have also practised our singing skills ready for our Christmas assembly in week 6 (see Mr Cooke's newsletter for further details) and/or contact the school office.

The children have worked extremely hard to complete their Autumn term assessments this week and I'm very proud of them. When we started to discuss questions they found trickiest they said the ones linked to 'time.' We do cover this explicitly later in the year but in case your child wants to practise this essential life skill prior to that please see the links below which might help them further.

Year 3 Time

Year 4 Time

Have an enjoyable weekend

Mr Dring

Week 3 Autumn 2 Cedar w.e 24.11.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


A great week of learning starting with writing skills linked to the Lindisfarne raid and newspaper reporting! In Maths we continue in both Year 3 and 4 to be using our times table knowledge to answer word problems and can now apply them to division questions too.

In History, we are using our knowledge of the Vikings to recreate one of their strategy board games that we got to play at Murton Park.

Year 3 are nearing the end of their 10 Cooking lessons which they appear to have thoroughly enjoyed and keep sharing their new learnt skills with the whole class.

Thank you to everyone in Year 4 - we now have confirmation of whether you wish your child to attend the Nell Bank residential or not and as the numbers are high enough we can now get on with planning it all in preparation for Spring. We will be holding a parent meeting closer to the time so please look out for details in early Spring 1. Remember if you have any concerns regarding payment - please contact the office for further support.

Don't forget to keep an eye out for details from the office on how to apply for free tickets for the LKS2 Christmas Celebration assembly soon.

Have an enjoyable weekend and I hope you enjoy the Christmas Fayre on Saturday. 

Mr Dring

Week 2 Autumn 2 w.e 16.11.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


A shorter week for the children due to the training day tomorrow but no less filled with enthusiastic learning.

Year 3 have continued their cooking curriculum whilst Year 4 undertook their intense skipping training ready for the Spring where all 45 will represent the school at the inter-school competition.

In Computing, we have continued our learning about using algorithms to program a 'turtle' to write our initials and numbers too!

Today, we have been busy celebrating Children in Need whilst also perfecting our newspaper writing skills and using our knowledge of the 5 main food groups as part of our Animals including Humans Science unit. 

Have a wonderful extended weekend.

Mr Dring

CinN4CinN3Children in Need 2Children in Need

Cedar Week 1 Autumn 2 w.e 10.11.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


What a fun week this week has been! From learning about healthy nutrition in Science to learning about Roman Numerals (1-12 in Year 3) and up to 1,000 with Year 4. We were surprised to hear they has no curvy numerals or a written numeral for 0! We used a variety of ways to learn about them but our favourite by far was the song.

In P.S.H.E, we have been using our Mindmate lessons to learn more about how to protect our mental health following Mrs Harris' assembly.

In our writing we are learning about newspapers (paper and online versions) and have enjoyed collecting facts about the raid on Lindisfarne by the Vikings in the 8th Century. As Historians, we have been learning about the end of the Anglo Saxon kings, the end of the Viking period in Britain and the subsequent start of the Norman period in 1066.

Health and Safety reminders:

- it is school's PE policy that for your child's safety and their peers that ideally earrings (unless newly pierced) are removed prior to coming to school preferably (or prior to the lesson if the child can remove them) on PE days (which includes swimming). Although children can wear plasters over their ears, these often fall off and increases the risk of injury which we would like to avoid. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.

- if you know a different adult will be picking your child up, particularly from afterschool clubs which are run by different adults other than me as class teacher, please can you notify us in advance (via class email, office email, office telephone or verbally to us on the door in a morning). This is to ensure we can ensure safeguarding of your child at all times and there isn't a delay in us sending them home whilst we seek your permission. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.

Year 4 - please make sure you have given permission via Parent Pay for your child to join us at the Spring residential, currently we have less than 25 permissions which means it is highly likely it will be cancelled . If you didn't receive your link please contact the office directly who can resend it to you. If you have concerns regarding the financial payments, don't worry - we just need your permission via Parent Pay at this stage and please talk to us in confidence about any concerns that you may have about your child's attendance.

Have a great weekend

Mr Dring

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