Cedar Tree Class Blog
Cedar Tree Class
Cedar Week 3 Summer 2 w.e 21.06.24
Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class
Another great week of learning this week.
In English, the children have finished drafting, editing and publishing their diaries linked to our Ancient Egyptian unit. In Maths, we have been exploring a variety of angles (acute, right, obtuse) and symmetrical shapes. In Reading, we have continued with our 'Cat Mummy' novel and the children keep complaining whenever we have to stop - so it's a sure hit! In Art, we are preparing to make our clay 'masks' inspired by the Ancient Egyptians. In Computing, the children have been fascinated to learn more about what the internet actually is and how it works through a series of routers. They got themselves quite tied up in knots whilst trying to connect using string (literally).
Thank you to those who were able to support the Year 6 'Grow a fiver' project - even the if the children did not have money to 'invest' in any of the projects they were extremely interested and asked the Year 6s many insightful questions about their 'businesses'.
The children were brilliant and showed great determination during the KS2 Sports Day - we hope you enjoyed watching if you were able to.
Attached are a series of photos from our Ancient Egyptian Art sessions where we used clay to make representations of ancient masks and mythical beings.
Have a great weekend,
Mr Dring
Cedar Week 2 Summer 2 w.e 14.06.24
Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class
The week started with our final core subject assessments in Maths and Reading - well done children for trying your hardest in each test.
As the week ended we have honed our athletics skills in preparation for next week's Sports Day.
We have further developed our writing skills and practised applying them to a diary entry. We hope to publish these next week.
A reminder that last week all of the children were given their homework - please check it as it is slightly different. This involves a project that you will be invited to see in person in school at the end of term.
Have a good weekend.
Mr Dring
Cedar Week 1 Summer 2 w.e 07.06.24
Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class
Welcome back
A busy although shorter week for the children this week. A massive well done to the Year 4 children for all completing their Department for Education Official Multiplication Check this week. They have all worked incredibly hard. School received the results just prior to the children receiving their RPPS school reports and this information will be included with their reports. Year 3 have also met the challenge of working extremely hard in our school times table challenges - well done.
The children were fascinated this week in History to hear the voice of a 3,000 year old Egyptian mummy that 'lives' in the Leeds Museum. They will be learning more about them as the term progresses.
We have also started our SRE lessons as a whole class. Going forward the Year 3 and Year 4 children will be split as the vocabulary taught is differentiated by year group, as per the letter sent via the office earlier this term. Once again, I am very proud of how the children have maturely dealt with the lessons and respected each other's right to ask questions.
Reminder Sports Day is soon - please see previous headteacher newsletters for more information or contact the school office.
All of the children have been given their homework today - please check it as it is slightly different. This involves a project that you will be invited to see in person in school at the end of term.
Have a great weekend.
Mr Dring
Cedar Week 6 Summer 1 w.e 24.05.24
Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class
What a wild week of weather - fingers crossed it doesn't adversely affect our KS2 House Cricket tournament this afternoon where we hope to see all of the children showcasing their cricket skills.
This week has been very Ancient Egyptian focused - with Art being to pencil sketch a proportioned face/image and then use the medium of black pen to show shading - they look very effective Tutankhamuns! In History and Geography we have continued to wonder why the Ancient Egyptian civilisation lasted so long and all of the children loved this week being historians investigating clues from copied original photos of the excavation of Tutankhamun's tomb.
In Maths we have continued to explore many features of time (Year 4 moving on now to angles), have written our own blurbs in Writing from our fictional story ideas and showcased our computer coding skills using algorithms to create loops of repetition in our own Scratch games (although at times the children's successful additions of edited sounds did make a rather interesting cacophony!).
Well done Year 4s on your excellent efforts at the regional skipping competition - more news to follow on the school pages/newsletter.
Following on from last week, the children have raised again that at home or out and about they don't see analogue clocks - please if you get the opportunity over the holiday can you give your child chance to try reading the time and compare to a digital clock (this is still a key part of the KS2 Y3, 4, 5 and 6) curriculum currently.
I wish you all a wonderful, fun packed and safe holiday. Remember we have a teacher training day on the first day back so children return on the Tuesday.
Cedar Week 5 Summer 1 - w.e 17.05.24
Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class
What a mixed weather week! We have been delving into the depths of our imaginations as part of our new Writing unit based on character and setting descriptions in our story writing. The children have really enjoyed our class novel 'There's a Pharaoh in our bath' as we reach it's exciting end. We have continued in History and Geography to explore Egypt (modern and ancient) to answer our I wonder question 'I wonder why the Egyptian civilisation lasted so long.'
It was a great pleasure to get the opportunity again to see all of the children practise and apply their cricket skills during Wednesday's cricket lesson - some great examples of accurate distance throwing and precise batting skills.
As mentioned last week, we have started to use our digital photography editing skills to create some inspiring exhibits for the annual local Art Exhibition - watch out for further information in the future about where you can go to view the children's work on display locally.
Please let us know if you happen to forget a water bottle for your children (it happens to all of us) and we can then make sure they have access to fresh water throughout the day. Thank you.
Maths - both year 3 and 4 have been developing their time telling skills. However, most children have said during lessons that they've never seen an analogue clock (one with hands rather than electronic) except in the classroom. If you can, please take any opportunity to develop this life skill with your child when out and about (or at home if you have an analogue clock). I've attached some support materials below to support this learning in addition to what we are using in the classroom.
FORPS - next Friday is Make the Rules Day. The bespoke class rule Cedar class children have voted for is to play games in school. If your child would like to bring in their own board/card game (no electronics) they can. Please make sure they are age appropriate so nothing aimed at over 7 years.
Stay safe.
Mr Dring.