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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

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Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


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0113 391 0906

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Cedar Tree Class Blog

Cedar Tree Class

Cedar Blog Week 3 Autumn 2 w.e 22.11.24

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


We've had a fun week exploring our senses to help us write our descriptive poetry including discovering what pine trees smell like, what footsteps in snow sound like, what unwrapping Christmas presents feels like and what walking through a snowy blizzard looks like. In conjunction with this, we have had a lot of opportunities to practise our songs for the LKS2 Christmas showcase. We can't wait to share with you our singing and our own written winter poetry.

In Science, we have continued to investigate the three main states - liquid, solid and gas and will be conducting our own experiments next week that we have planned. In Maths both year groups have developed and honed their times table and division skills. This is a key life skill to provide the children with the best opportunities in later life so if you get a spare 5 minutes please support your child with anything from 0x,1x all the way up to 12x. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend

Mr Dring

Cedar Blog Week 2 Autumn 2 w.e 15.11.24

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


We have had a wonderful week practising using verbal and written description to create detailed visual images in our listener's/reader's mind in preparation for writing our Seasonal poems at our song showcase in week 7. In Maths we have continued to work on our 3,4,6 and 9 times tables with division facts too.

During Science we have spent time planning and investigating the main 3 states of matter and developed our scientific enquiry skills using a range of recording equipment.

We have all been really enthused about our stop animation unit in Computing and the children have already made great progress - future budding animators in the making!

Have a lovely weekend

Mr Dring

Cedar Blog 9 Wk 1 Aut 2 w.e 08.11.24

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Welcome back for Autumn 2. We have been busy publishing our Boudicca biographies this week, continued out Science learning about States of Matter (solids, liquids, gases) and also developed our knowledge about the Ancient Romans and Celts in Britain. In Maths Year 4 have moved onto calculating the area of 2D shapes and Year 4 have moved onto multiplication using grouping and arrays. In Music, we have started our songs practise for our Week 7 LKS2 Christmas showcase. 

We have had a few queries about homework so please see the note to grown ups at the top of this week's work which we hope helps you further in supporting your child with their out of school work.

Please can we remind you to write your children's names in their uniform, PE kits, packed lunch boxes and on their water bottles because it makes it quicker and easier to ensure your child's belongings are returned to them if they lose or forget them. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend

Mr Dring

Cedar Blog 8 w.e 25.10.24 Autumn 1

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


We have had a busy end to the Autumn 1 half term starting with the Year 4s who had their first coaching session ready for the Spring Skipping inter-school competition and it was lovely to have such positive feedback from the coach about the children's behaviour and enthusiasm for the event. The whole class wowed our coach Sam and Mr Spence (PE lead) this week too in P.E with the progress they have made with their hockey skills with some children even showing potential to take the sport further. Well done all children.

In PSHE we have concluded our unit discussing friendships and strategies such as compromise when you both want to play different things together and can't decide which to do.

In Computing we have been exploring how different devices are connected and we really enjoyed exploring the school trying to spot various devices that 'connect' school such as servers, printers, wireless devices, switches and network points.

In English we have used a 'conscience alley' to try to persuade each other whether, as a Celtic warrior queen, we should fight and rebel against the Roman invaders or cooperate and create a client kingdom.

In Maths we have continued to develop our column addition and subtraction skills whilst in Science we have been exploring States of Matter using drama to explore solids, liquids and gases.

Have a safe and fun holiday.

Mr Dring

Cedar Blog 7 w.e 18.10.24 Autumn 1

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Thank you for taking the time to meet with me this week to discuss the progress of your child so far this year at either of the parents' evenings.

In English, we have started our unit on Biographies and are currently researching Boudicca, so that the children can publish their own biography about her and her legacy in British history, linked to our Ancient Roman history unit.

In Maths, we are continuing to develop and hone our column addition and subtraction skills building up to more than one exchange (see last week's blog for a top tips sheet if your child is asking for a confidence boost with this method).

In PSHE, we have been exploring what it means to be a good friend and how we can compromise to help us resolve friendship fall outs for example if they want to play a different game at the same time.

I wish you a happy weekend.

Mr Dring

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