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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Classes
  2. Cedar Tree - Year 3/4
  3. Cedar Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Cedar Tree Class Blog

Cedar Tree Class

Cedar Week Week 2 w/e 19.01.24

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


This week I am really happy with the children's enthusiasm for their learning and we have had some great class discussions. We have continued to practise our descriptive writing skills and have now created our own fictional animal descriptions. In Maths we have moved onto measuring in mm, cm, km and finding their equivalents. The children loved their Warburton's Design and Technology lesson this week when they got to sample some of their products.

Year 4  - you will have already received the letter below this week inviting you to the Parent Briefing Meeting on Thursday 1st February where you and your child will get chance to 'see' virtually inside the Nell Bank facilities and be able to ask any questions you might still have about our exciting residential opportunity.

Year 4 Parent Meeting Nell Bank Information

Have a happy and safe weekend.

Mr Dring

Cedar Week 1 Spring 1 w.e 12.01.24

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to our learning this Spring half term. We have been busy learning about writing detailed, entertaining character descriptions of a fictional animal, how to use partitioning to answer division questions in Maths (see more resources below) and the history of Warburtons as part of our bread Design and Technology unit. In P.E we have started to develop our skipping skills and the Year 4 children have been honing their skipping skills ready for the April inter-school Skipping Festival they will be participating in.

Division (see the partitioning example)

Year 4  - you will have already received the letter below this week inviting you to the Parent Briefing Meeting on Thursday 1st February where you and your child will get chance to 'see' virtually inside the Nell Bank facilities and be able to ask any questions you might still have about our exciting residential opportunity.

Year 4 Parent Meeting Nell Bank Information

Have a happy and warm weekend

Mr Dring

Cedar wk 7 Aut 2 w.e 22.12.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class

Good afternoon

What another fabulous week with the children. I am so proud how resilient they have been with the 15 week Autumn term this year and how they have adapted to changes to routines for example our Christmas assembly practice. Right until the end the children, as part of their British Value - the  Democratic right to vote, the children have chosen to practise their times tables. Well done everyone.

Thank you for your generous comments, cards and/or gifts - I and the LKS2 team are very humbled and would like to say a huge thank you.

Below you should see the results of our kite skills. Most children focused initially on criticising their chosen colours/design on the sail but when we all refocused on the technology part, they soon realised how successful they had been in developing /applying their sawing skills etc. As we still don't have confirmed permissions from every child in class we have decided to cover everyone's faces to allow us to make sure we could share every child's success with you. Unfortunately, the storm meant we were not able to practise flying them.

Swimming - will recommence the second Friday back in 2024 so the Year 4 children will need to bring ordinary P.E. kit the first week back on Friday.

P.E.  - all children our usual P.E. days will be Wednesday and Friday in 2024.

Have a great, fun and restful Christmas and I look forward to welcoming you back in 2024!

Mr Dring

Cedar Wk 6 Autumn 2 w.e 15.12.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Wow - we were so impressed with every child in our LKS2 Christmas assembly and we hope those adults who were able to attend enjoyed it. I'm sure you'll be singing Feliz Navidad for weeks to come!

This week we gave your child a slip with a suggested list of materials that they may choose to bring in to construct their DT Kite next Wednesday. Don't worry if they can't - we will have some materials in school.

Thank you for your generous donations to the children's class Christmas parties which will be on Thursday afternoon next week - this will all be spent on these parties. If your child would like to wear suitable party clothes they can come into school for the day in them (i.e. no need to wear uniform) on Thursday.

Thank you Year 4s for bringing in all the extra paperwork for our Nell Bank trip - it means we can get the final risk assessments completed. We can't wait to take the children on this mini-adventure trip. Any questions do please ask, although our residential parent meeting in school next half term (date to be confirmed) should answer any questions from you or your child.

Swimming - the leisure centre are not running our swimming lessons next week so it will be a P.E lesson with me next Friday for both Year 3 and 4 children.

In English the children have thoroughly enjoyed adapting parts of the 'Please Mrs Butler' poem and we have had a lot of fun learning about hyperbole features. In Maths we have been learning about multiplying using column method and division.

Have a great weekend

Mr Dring

Cedar Wk 6 Autumn 2 w.e 15.12.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Wow - we were so impressed with every child in our LKS2 Christmas assembly and we hope those adults who were able to attend enjoyed it. I'm sure you'll be singing Feliz Navidad for weeks to come!

This week we gave your child a slip with a suggested list of materials that they may choose to bring in to construct their DT Kite next Wednesday. Don't worry if they can't we will have some materials in school.

Thank you for your generous donations to the children's class Christmas parties which will be on Thursday afternoon next week - this will all be spent on these parties. If your child would like to wear suitable party clothes they can come into school for the day in them (i.e. no need to wear uniform) on Thursday.

Thank you Year 4s for bringing in all the extra paperwork for our Nell Bank trip - it means we can get the final risk assessments completed. We can't wait to take the children on this mini-adventure trip. Any questions do please ask, although our residential parent meeting in school next half term (date to be confirmed)  should answer any questions from you or your child.

Swimming - the leisure centre are not running our swimming lessons next week so it will be a P.E lesson with me next Friday for both Year 3 and 4 children.

In English the children have thoroughly enjoyed adapting parts of the 'Please Mrs Butler' poem and we have had a lot of fun learning about hyperbole features. In Maths we have been learning about multiplying using column method and division.

Have a great weekend

Mr Dring

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