Ash Tree Class - Year 5/6
Welcome to our class page!
Year 5/6 Ash is taught by Miss Bairstow with support from Mrs Senior and Miss Mallison.
HOME READING: This will be central to your child’s learning this year. The expectation in Year 5 and 6 is that children read at least 5 times per week. Please record the book and page number in your child’s reading record.
HOMEWORK: Homework will be given on a Friday to be handed in the following Wednesday.
PE: Ash Tree Class have P.E on Monday and Tuesday. Please make sure your child comes to school in their P.E kit on P.E days. They may wear navy tracksuit bottoms and a Rufford Park hoodie or school jumper over the top. Earrings must be removed for P.E unless recently pierced. If your child cannot remove their own earrings please make sure they come to school without them on the days of their P.E lessons.
Autumn Curriculum Overview: World War II - I wonder how World War II affected families in Yorkshire?
- English: Children will be writing to inform and entertain through writing biographies, diaries, letters and narrative descriptions.
- Reading: Our class reader is 'Goodnight Mr Tom?' by Michelle Magorian. Children will be reading through this text and answering a range of questions to support their comprehension. In addition, the children will be completing a range of other comprehension-based activities.
- Maths: Building on place value knowledge, using all four operations to answer problems, fractions and converting units of measurement.
- Science: Light and Animals including Humans (Y5).
- Computing: Sharing Information, Video Production and Safety: Self-Image and Identity.
- Music: Sing Up Units, weekly singing and a World War Two Christmas.
- DT: Super Seasonal Cooking
- History: Understanding the key events of WWII and how they affected families in Yorkshire.
- PE: Tag Rugby and Netball.
- RE: How and why are Jewish festivals celebrated today? How do Buddhists live a meaningful life?
- PSHE: Me and My Relationships and Valuing Differences.
- French: Phonics vocabulary. Names of fruit.