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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Willow Tree - Year 3

Willow Tree Class - Year 3


Willow Tree Class is taught by Mr Spence this year, supported by Mr Fones, Mrs Wakefield and Mr Martindale. Miss SImms will be the class teacher on a Wednesday.

Below you will find our curriculum overview for this term as well as additional resources to support your child's learning.

Our class email address is:

  • Curriculum overview: Summer 2024

    • Summer Curriculum Overview: Ancient Egyptians

      • English: Children will be writing to entertain through a variety of descriptive writing pieces.
      • Reading: Our whole class readers are 'There's a Pharaoh in our bath!' (Jeremy Strong) and also 'The Cat Mummy' (Jacqueline Wilson. Children will be reading through this text and other age appropriate texts. They will be answering a range of questions to support their comprehension. In addition, the children will be completing a range of other comprehension, reading for pleasure and reading fluency based activities. 
      • Maths: Money, Time, Statistics and Geometry.
      • Science: Biology: Plants, Physics: Forces and Magnets
      • Computing: 
        • Digital Literacy - Networks - the internet
        • Computer Science: Repetition in Games
      • Music: Sing Up
      • Art: self portraits and mask making
      • Geography: Using atlases to develop knowledge of the wider world using Egypt as a focus.
      • PE:  Cricket and Athletics
      • RE: 
        •  How do the five pillars guide Muslims?
        • Why are gurus at the heart of Sikh belief and practice?
      • PSHE: Mindmate, Making Choices and S.R.E (year 3 and year 4 separate curriculum)
      • French: Our School

    Curriculum overview: Spring 2024

    • Spring Curriculum Overview: India and Fairtrade

      • English: Children will be writing to inform and entertain through a variety of descriptive writing pieces.
      • Reading: Our whole class reader is a series of short stories originating from India or Indian culture. Children will be reading through this text and other age appropriate texts. They will be answering a range of questions to support their comprehension. In addition, the children will be completing a range of other comprehension, reading for pleasure and reading fluency based activities. 
      • Maths: Multiplication and division, length and perimeter, fractions, mass and capacity
      • Science: Chemistry - Fossilisation, Chemistry - soils, Physics - light
      • Computing: 
        • Digital Literacy - Online Safety
        • Computer Science: Repetition in Shapes
      • Music: Sing Up
      • Design & Technology: Bread Making, Art: linked to Insects
      • Geography: Using atlases to develop knowledge of the wider world using the India as a focus.
      • PE: Skipping, Outdoor Adventurous Activities
      • RE: 
        •  How do the five pillars guide Muslims?
        • Why are gurus at the heart of Sikh belief and practice?
      • PSHE: Keeping Myself Safe and Rights & Responsibilities
      • French: Food Glorious Food


    Curriculum Overview: Autumn 2023

    • Autumn Curriculum Overview: Vikings and Anglo-Saxons

        • English: Children will be writing to inform and entertain through a variety of descriptive writing pieces.
        • Reading: Our whole class reader is part of series 'Thorfinn the Nicest Viking’ ('and the Terrible Treasure') by David MacPhail. Children will be reading through this text and other age appropriate texts. They will be answering a range of questions to support their comprehension. In addition, the children will be completing a range of other comprehension, reading for pleasure and reading fluency based activities. 
        • Maths: Place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. 
        • Science: to be unveiled soon
        • Computing: 
          • Media: Animation
          • Computer Science: Repetition in Shapes
        • Music: Sing Up
        • Art: British Art
        • History: The Vikings and Anglo-Saxons – trip to Murton Park week 3
        • Geography: Using atlases to develop knowledge of the wider world using the Norway as a focus.
        • PE: Lacrosse
        • RE: • How are important events remembered? • What faiths are shared in our country?
        • PSHE: Me and my relationships and Valuing difference
        • French: All About Me


HOME READING: This will be central to your child’s learning this year. The expectation in LKS2 is that children read for 10-15 minutes at least 5 times per week. Reading scheme books will be changed once every week. Please record the book and page number in your child’s reading record (you are welcome to include books from home and 'free choice' books from our class library).

Reading records should be brought to school every day so that we can further support your child's reading progress.

HOMEWORK: English or Maths homework is given every Friday – to be returned by the following Wednesday. Please encourage your child to also check the basics carefully (neat handwriting, correct capital letters, full stops) and to take pride in their presentation. If you or your child are unsure how to complete the task set, please let me know as soon as possible so we can support appropriately.

TIMES TABLES:  We strongly advise regular practice at home for Year 3 - this could include chanting, copying them out, being tested by an adult, or using online resources - e.g. TT RockstarsHit the Button, Maths Frame, Daily 10 or Topmarks. Squeebles is also a very popular and effective app used by parents for Maths (and spellings!).

SPELLINGS: These are given every Friday in homework books and tested the following Friday.  

PE: Willow Tree Class have P.E on a Monday and a Thursday in Spring 1.

Please make sure your child comes to school in their P.E kit on P.E days. They may wear navy tracksuit bottoms and a Rufford Park hoodie or school jumper over the top. Earrings must be removed for P.E unless recently pierced. If your child cannot remove their own earrings please make sure they come to school without them on the days of their P.E lessons. 

Please also ensure your child's clothing is labelled with their name. 


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