Cedar Tree Class Blog
Cedar Tree Class
Cedar wk 5 w.e 28.03.25
Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class
What a wonderful week we have had in Cedar class. We have been very busy putting the final touches to our battery operated lights, started our volcano poetry unit, learned more about earthquakes and volcanoes in Geography, completed our circuits in Science and finished our class novel 'Kidnap in the Caribbean'.
I think I have now answered approximately a million questions about my new acting role and reassured the children they will still see me because I am still overseeing their learning as LKS2 lead.
Finally, thank you to you all for your kind words and congratulations on my new acting role.
Have an amazing weekend - hopefully with some sunshine.
Mr Dring
Cedar wk 4 w.e 21.03.25
Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class
Another packed week of learning this week. From learning about earthquakes, understanding why people live near volcanoes, designing our battery operated lights for a specific purpose, exploring electrical circuits in Science to rehearsing our roles as choir for the Year 5 Bugsy production.
It was lovely to celebrate with you all at Parents Evening - the progress your children have made so far in Cedar class.
We have been asked to remind you that the Reception outdoor learning areas are out of bounds to children and their siblings until the school doors are open so please ensure your children are not going into this area prior to that and removing/moving EYFS children's resources because they need them for their learning that day. Thank you.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Mr Dring
Cedar Spring 2 Week 3 w.e 13.03.25
Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class
This week has been a mix of new learning and assessing previous learning in Reading and Maths. In English we have continued to research all of the wonderful reasons someone might choose Yorkshire as a place to visit ready for drafting our non-chronological reports. In Science and D.T we have continued to explore electricity and circuits. In Geography we have focused on where volcanos are located and how they are formed using a variety of mapping techniques and studying the AD79 (79CE) Pompeii eruption in particular.
Please note that the children were set a PE related homework to be completed over two weeks. - details were stuck into the children's homework books last week. This is instead of our usual homework and is set with the same school expectations.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the parent consultations next week. Please contact the office if you still need to book an appointment.
I hope you have a delightful weekend.
Mr Dring
Cedar Spring 2, Week 2 w.e 07.03.25
Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class
What a busy week - we have had fun exploring persuasive language features in English, erupting volcanoes in Geography, a variety of fractions in Maths, strategies to support our mental health in PSHE, World Book Day in Reading, all thing electrical in both DT and Science and Year 4 children at their Nell Bank residential!
Please note that the children will be set a PE related homework over the next two weeks - more details to follow from Mr Spence as PE lead. This is instead of our usual homework and is set with the same school expectations.
Year 4 - a link for parents about the government's Spring MTC test https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/multiplication-tables-check-information-for-parents/multiplication-tables-check-information-for-parents-text-version--2
Year 4 - Mr Kyriacou will soon share a link for the Nell Bank photos - watch this space.
Finally, we would like to thank Mr Turner for his time with us on his student teacher placement and the support he has provided the children in Cedar class. We wish him every success in his future career.
Have a great weekend - hopefully with more Spring sunshine.
Mr Dring
Cedar Spring 2, Week 1 w.e 28.02.25
Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class
Welcome back - it's Spring 2 already. The children have brought their enthusiasm for learning back with them and also some sunshine which has cheered us all. We have started learning how to use persuasive language as part of our new unit on non-chronological writing. As part of this, we used drama and acted out a mini TV advert for the imaginary Sydney Broadcasting Corporation! It has been wonderful to see how confident the children now are to 'perform' in front of their peers.
In Computing this week, we have explored further online safety messages as part of our extended Safer Internet Day work. In Maths we have continued in both year groups to explore all things fractions. We have continued using the phrase 'The whole has been divided into ? equal parts' to help us with calculating the denominators for our fractions. In Reading we have continued with our class novel 'Kidnap in the Caribbean.' We have also explored how to build basic switches as part of our battery operated light units through exploring circuits.
Year 4 - please look our for further information from Mr Kyriacou about residential packed lunches (Day 1) and drop off arrangements. Those not attending will arrive at school as normal and work alongside the Year 3s in Cedar class Tuesday and Wednesday on Year 4 learning challenges.
Have a wonderful weekend
Mr Dring and the Cedar team