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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Cedar Tree - Year 3/4
  3. Cedar Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Cedar Tree Class Blog

Cedar Tree Class

Cedar Week ending 02.12.22

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


I am so proud of the children this week as they completed their Reading and Maths assessments - they worked amazingly both as individuals and as a wider team. Well done! The key areas the children asked for support with in Maths were how to tell the time, multiplication times tables and fractions. In Reading, it was inference questions (how do you know the character felt...because they were frowning...). We will obviously be covering these in more detail in school as the year progresses however if you can check with your child if they require support with any of these skills and practise also at home they will certainly thank you for it.

It is great to see how the children who regularly complete and return their homework on time have benefitted from the extra practice at home. Remember it is given out on a Friday and returned for marking by the following Wednesday. Thank you.

We all enjoy celebrating with your children in assemblies every Friday some of the things they have done outside of school as well. For example, one child made their own replica Torah and another child created their own art work using a replica moustache like Salvador Dali's.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Dring

Cedar week 4 - w/e 25.11.22

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


We have been extra busy this week: from practising our songs for our LKS2 singing performance for parents pencilled in for the morning of Monday 12th December, to publishing our final versions of our time travelling adventure stories. Please practise your child's lines if they bring some home over the next few days to boost their confidence (they don't need to memorise them). The children 'auditioned' today and then the whole class of children held a secret ballot (linked to our British Democracy skills).

On Friday, the Year 4s are practising some vital life saving water safety skills and will be bringing in extra clothes to make it a more realistic scenario for real life. Meanwhile, Year 3 will be continuing to hone their skipping skills.

Yesterday we were very lucky to have our visitors who were representatives of the local Jewish community and who helped bring the children's Judaism learning to life. The children were all extremely respectful and asked some very intuitive questions. Well done Cedar class!

Thank you so much to everyone that has been able to support the School Fayre by providing donations and hope that you can join us at school on Saturday.

Have happy and safe weekends.

Mr Dring

Cedar week 3 - beginning 14.11.22

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Congratulations to our very active Year 3 and 4 children who participated in the football and cross country at the end of last week - you represented our school excellently. Thank you also to those grown ups who were able to kindly support us on the day too.

This week in P.E we have continued our Year 3 skipping practise and our Year 3/4 Netball invasion game unit. It was great to see the children applying the skills they had already learnt in previous sessions/years and then develop this further this week. A reminder that our units this half term are outside so please make sure your child's P.E kit is appropriate for the colder, wetter weather we can expect and that the school's safety policy is that no jewellery (watches/earrings) to be worn during the sessions.

In English, we are starting to draft our time travelling adventure stories and I have loved listening to the shared ideas of the children as they excitedly write their new creations! In Maths, both year groups are focussing on using column addition and subtraction methods.

Two reminders this week - firstly, the children are not in school this Friday and secondly, homework is due in by Wednesday every week to allow time for it to be checked and ready for new homework to be issued on Fridays (Thursday this week).

Lastly, thank you for the final confirmations for the Year 4 residential, I visited the centre yesterday and can't wait to share the experience with your child in March. As stated in our letter previously, we will hold a meeting in school nearer to the date to give you any extra information you may require and answer any other questions that you may have. 

I hope that you enjoy a happy and safe Children in Need weekend.

Mr Dring

Cedar Class - w.b 07.11.22

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class

Good afternoon,

What another exciting and busy week in Cedar class. We have had lots of different activities both in class and outside of the classroom (including successful cross country runners and footballers)

In English, we have been excited to start planning our adventure stories using a variety of descriptive devices such as similes and speech. We have focussed on answering, proving and explaining in Maths where we have to add and subtract with exchanges from our tens, hundred and even our thousand place value columns. Our Year 3 children will start their skipping training on Friday whilst the Year 4s continue to develop their swimming skills. 

Thank you for everyone's support where possible with enthusing the children to support the Poppy Appeal and we held 2 minutes silence today to mark this national event. 

In History and Geography, we have continued with our Ancient Roman topics and the children have been in awe of the events in Pompeii in 79AD(CE) so I apologise in advance if you get lots of questions about this over the weekend.

Thank you to everyone who has responded to our Year 4 residential letter so we can book your child's place. 

Mr Dring

Cedar Class w/b 31.10.22 Autumn 2 Week 1

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Wow what an amazing start to our Autumn 2 term.

The children have been very busy learning about how to write adventure stories in English and in particular how to use inverted commas (speech marks) to show direct speech. We have had a busy week of physical activity this week too with our free Northern Ballet workshops on Thursday, followed for our Year 4s with their Autumn Skipping Festival Competition training in the afternoon. In addition to this, on Friday Year 3 continued with their PE lessons with me whilst the Year 4 recommenced their swimming lessons.

In History and Geography, we have continued with our Ancient Roman topics and it's been lovely hearing from children who were able to visit some ancient sites during their half term holidays last week.

Thank you,

Mr Dring

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