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Rufford Park Primary School

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Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


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0113 391 0906

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  3. Cedar Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Cedar Tree Class Blog

Cedar Tree Class

Cedar W/e 02.03.23 Week 2 Spring 2

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Yet another fun filled week of learning linked to Volcanoes, Fossils, Electricity and of course culminating in the World Book Day on Thursday - what a creative way to celebrate the children's favourite book choices. 

It's also been great to hear the excited chatter amongst the children about their homework project ideas linked to our topic this half term and I can't wait to see their wonderful creations.

For Year 4s, please take note of the weather forecasts when deciding what to pack for your children on residential as it's currently predicted to be colder and maybe snowier than we envisaged!

I wish you a happy, safe and fun weekend.

Mr Dring

Cedar Class World Book Day photo/link

Cedar Wk 1 Spring 2 w/e 24.02.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Well Spring has finally sprung, lighter mornings and the children and I are loving the spring plants outside our cloakroom entrance. Thank you again to all of those who were able to attend the Parents' Evenings last term.

An exciting opportunity for Cedar Year 3 children every Friday has been planned. Starting next week and for the rest of Spring 1 all 15 Year 3 children will be attending a cooking master class being delivered in school by the Pinnacle Catering Manager. Look out for yummy treats making their way home each week. This is a free activity for the children and all materials will be provided by Pinnacle.

This week we have started on our World Book Day designs for our t-shirts ready for the children to wear them next Thursday and bring home to celebrate their reading on that day. We hope you like them.

We are busy learning about all things non-chronological in English and linking it to our Extreme Earth topic and it has also been

The children are all learning about how to divide 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers, some with remainders, such as 37 / 4. It really helps the children if they are confident with their multiplication and times tables so they can spot the patterns. The Year 4s have then moved onto dividing 3 digit numbers by 1 digit.

The Year 4 skipping team skipped this week for their place in the team which Mr Kyriacou will announce soon although we will also need children to practise in case any first team members aren't able to attend. All of the children tried their best and I know it has been a hard decision to choose the first 30. Well done children.

Wishing you a sunny weekend

Mr Dring

Cedar week 6 w.e 10.02.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


It has been so lovely to share the success both academically and socially the children have had so far this academic year at Parents' Evening and we all agreed how inspired the children have been about volcanoes and fossils.

This week we have finished our labelled volcano models, made our soil wormeries and tested the permeability of different soil types. It has also been Online Safety week and this link provide further support for you and your children

Spring 2 - we revert back to our Wednesday and Friday P.E days. Year 4 will be residential ready in Week 3 and will be competing for their place in the 30 strong skipping festival team (ready for the end of March). Year 3 have also been honing their skipping skills ready for their turn next year.

Please stay safe and happy during half term.

Mr Dring

Cedar week 5 Spring 1 w.e. 3.02.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


We have thoroughly enjoyed using persuasive language features this week - for example using sentence starters such as "It is imperative that...". In Computing, we have learnt about staying safe online particularly regarding password strength and security - some children discussed how they access online devices on their own therefore please can you check your child is aware of how to report anything that they are unsure of and/or that they have not circumvented your parental controls on their devices. Thank you. In Geography, the children continued to model their 3-D volcanoes and successfully labelled the separate parts. Please remind your children about the continued importance of washing their hands, particaurly as a variety of coughs and colds are still circulating the local area. In French, we have been learning how "peux", in PSHE we have been learning how to stay safe, what risks are and how to reduce them.

Year 4 Residential Parent Meeting Information 2023

Thank you to all those grown ups who were able to attend our meeting on Tuesday. Please find attached the information that was shared with those attending. 

We will be sending further information out regarding specific medical and dietary needs closer to the time and it is essential you return these, even if it is to say "not applicable" to ensure that we can take full care of your child whilst on residential.

Thank you for your co-operation on this matter.



Cedar week 4 Spring 1 w.e 27.01.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Another fun week learning about all things volcanic. In writing we are learning to use persuasive features in a leaflet linked to our online safety Computing lessons. In Science we are learning about Mary Anning - the famous fossil hunter!

I have really enjoyed seeing and hearing about what our children do outside of school during our Thursday morning class assembly - such a wide range of activities too.

Next Tuesday, 3:30pm to 4:00pm in Beech classroom, there will be the Year 4 residential parent/grown up residential meeting and a further opportunity for a Q and A. The Year 4 children were all given a letter with further information to bring home on Thursday this week.

Please see below regarding the World Book Day plans across school.

Have a great weekend,

Mr Dring

Finally, a reminder about our plans for World Book Day which is coming up in March. We recently sent a letter to all parents detailing our plans to hold a decorate a t shirt theme for the first time. Please see below. We kindly ask that all financial contributions are made by next Thursday (Thursday 2nd February) to allow us an appropriate length of time to order t shirts and the resources required to decorate them (and of course to give the children chance to decorate them before WBD!). We have received some queries this week regarding sizing for t shirts - please note all children will receive an oversized t shirt as this will give them much more space for their book cover design and ensure every child in school has a suitable t shirt to wear. Please note the incorrect date in letter image below. It should be Thursday 2nd February - apologies for any confusion.

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