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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Cedar Tree - Year 3/4
  3. Cedar Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Cedar Tree Class Blog

Cedar Tree Class

Cedar Week 8 Autumn 8 w.b 23.10.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class

Hello All

Well that first half term seem to fly by although I think the children are definitely ready to recharge their creative batteries next week. I am so impressed with their enthusiasm for their learning all half term. They have worked extremely hard to publish their recounts of our trip to Viking Murton Park. We have also been practising their column addition and subtraction skills. Below is a link to a step by step guide for these maths techniques and also a link for past tense verbs e.g sneak/snook etc.

Column addition and subtraction methods

Past tense

A lot of parents have asked about links to times table songs that might support children's learning. I've included some below that use tunes of popular songs. Please ensure you supervise your child's use of these as they are external sites and have the potential to include advertising or links not suitable for their age groups.

Times table Songs BBC

Times table songs Youtube 1

Times table songs Youtube 2

Several children and parents have said they have 'lost' items of clothing e.g P.E hoodies recently. Please ensure your child's clothing has their names in it and just check after it comes out of the wash that it doesn't have someone else's name in by mistake. Thank you to those who have returned clothing mistakenly picked up and taken home. The 5 unnamed hoodies and two unnamed coats that have been in our classroom for over 3 weeks are now in the office 'uncollected' box at the front of school.

Year 4 - please make sure you have given permission via Parent Pay for your child to join us at the Spring residential, currently we have less than 15 permissions which means we would unlikely be able to attend this memory making experience. If you didn't receive your link please contact the office directly who can resend it to you.

Enjoy the holiday - please stay safe (the poster below may help remind the children).

Bonfire safety

Mr Dring

Week 7 Autumn 2 Cedar w.b16.10.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Thank to everyone who was able to make it to one of our Parents' Evenings this week - it really is great to see you and spend some quality time talking to you about your child. Also thank you for your patience if I wasn't quite to time for your appointment - I really appreciate it.

This week the have worked really hard on 'publishing' their first full recount in LKS2 - they have all shown great resilience and it's great to see the progress they are making when acting on their feedback and in such positive ways. Who knew we could get 'discombobulated' into a recount about a trip to a Viking village?!

We have had a class assembly this week to discuss how we can maintain and develop friendships. Please can I ask that children do not bring items in from home (unless asked to for a school purpose or birthday treats) as it has caused and can cause children to feel left out or upset when things get accidentally lost or broken and can't be replaced.

Apologies I didn't see you at school on Thursday - I was attending part 1 of 2 Swim Coach training sessions run by Leeds Active who provide our swimming lessons for Year 4. I'm looking forward to putting my new skills into action on Friday.

Have a safe, fun weekend

Mr Dring

Cedar Week 6 Autumn 1 w.b 09.10.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


This week we are continuing to explore the different bones in a variety of animals as part of our Science unit. The class 'glow in the dark skeleton' caused quite a stir on Tuesday morning! In writing, the children are mid way through drafting and editing their own recounts of our trip to Murton Park and these will soon some of these will be going on display in the corridor of school to celebrate their developing descriptive writing skills.

Year 3 and 4 both have free access to Timestable Rockstars to practise their mental maths skills. The Department for Education has just released the latest details for the Year 4 statutory Multiplication Timestable Check (M.T.C) that all eligible Year 4 children have to take in early 2024. They are given 25 onscreen timed questions from any timestable up to 12x12=144. They are given 6 seconds to read, answer and type their answer. This is a Department of Education requirement test that school administers on their behalf and we do practise with the children however we have found those that are most confident to answer the questions also practised at home previously.

Year 3 appear to be continuing to enjoy their weekly Cooking lessons and make us all hungry when they return with their creations.

Year 4 - please keep a look out for your child's Residential letter - it should have been sent by the time you read this blog. If you Haven't received it - please contact the school office. We will hold a residential meeting for you nearer the time, but if you have any questions or concerns do let us know as soon as possible so we can support your child in being able to attend this to create memories of a lifetime.

Thank you for helping your child practise the class common juicy mistakes. This week we have continued to practise our Year 3 and 4 spellings so I have included these again for your reference if your child would like to practise at home too.

Year 3 and 4 spellings

Homophone Spellings

200 Common Exception word spellings

I look forward to seeing you at parents' evening next week - please contact the school office if you haven't received your link yet.

Have a wonderful and happy weekend.

Mr Dring, Mrs Wakefield, Mr Fones, Mrs Sanderson

Cedar week 5 Autumn 1 w.b 02.10.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


This week we are exploring different descriptive writing devices such as expanded noun phrases. We will use these in our second piece of assessed writing - a recount of our trip to Viking Murton Park. Thank you for helping your child practise the class common juicy mistakes. This week we have found our Year 3 and 4 spellings trickiest so I have included these for your reference if your child would like to practise at home too.

Year 3 and 4 spellings

Homophone Spellings

200 Common Exception word spellings

Apologies if you have had issues using last week's link to our trip photos - the link below has been updated so it should now take you straight there.

Murton Park Photos 2023 Year 3 and 4

I look forward to seeing you at parents' evening soon - please contact the school office if you haven't received your link yet.

Have a delightful weekend.

Mr Dring, Mrs Wakefield, Mr Fones, Mrs Sanderson

Week 4 Cedar Autumn 1 w.c 25.09.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


We have had a great week celebrating our writing skills in our first piece if assessed writing - a Viking information text. Each child will receive individual feedback and targets based on this piece of writing that we will help them develop before the end of this half term. The most common juicy mistakes as a class (both Year 3 and Year 4) has been the following - if you could support your child with these at home as well that would be lovely, thank you.

* of/off, where/were, when, who, our/are, there/their/they're

* confusing th for f and vice versa for example fings instead of things

Homophone Spellings

200 Common Exception word spellings

Year 3 are loving their weekly cooking experiences and Year 4 are also enjoying their weekly swimming opportunities (please support your child to be able to independently change by labelling their clothes to reduce the number of children going home wearing another child's clothes). Thank you.

In Music, we are learning about This Little Light of Mine.' In Computing, we are continuing to learn about animations.

Murton Park Photos 2023 Year 3 and 4

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mr Dring, Mrs Wakefield, Mr Fones, Mrs Sanderson

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