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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Classes
  2. Maple Tree - Year 6
  3. Maple Tree Class Blog 2021-2022

Maple Tree Class Blog

Maple Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 12.11.21

Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog


Preparations for the Christmas production began this week with the first singing practice of the production songs. It was lovely to sing in a bigger group again and the Year 6 choir are looking forward to singing to parents as part of the Key Stage Two performance of The Snow Queen.

Everyone completed their reports on Victorian workhouses. I have been particularly impressed with the range of vocabulary used and that words we have discussed in class have been used appropriately in the reports.

Fractions remains the focus in my maths group. Once again, the children have shown real resilience and increased accuracy in their calculations and problems solving and are skilful in assisting each other if they find aspects of the work more difficult.

Enjoy the weekend.

Mrs Trotter



Weekly Update 5.11.21

Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog


A great start to the half-term which started with our allocated time with the music teacher. The children enjoyed learning a range of songs and are looking forward to practising the Christmas production songs.

Our writing genre is report writing so the children have been learning lots about Victorian workhouses and the dreadful conditions that people lived in. The children will be producing a detailed report about this next week. The challenge in my maths group this week was solving complex fractions reasoning problems. Although the work was tricky it was great to see the resilience in how the children approached the task. 

Year 6 completed the democratic process of voting for the Chairperson and Communications of the School Council. Congratulations to Harley and Finlay!

Enjoy the bonfire weekend!

Mrs Trotter


Weekly Update 22.10.21

Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog

Hello everyone,

What an end to the half-term! The class adapted well to some changes to our normal routine as we became a 'bubble' again this week. We have missed a number of children in our class and look forward to seeing them after the holidays. 

In English, we learned about the life of Queen Victoria in preparation for completing our end of half-term biographical writing assessment. The children know lots of facts about Queen Victoria so please ask them what they can tell you. In maths, the children have worked on arithmetic skills and the mental methods involved in the quick recall of key facts. We will continue with this after the half-term break.

Using William Morris as an inspiration everyone began to design their own wallpaper. I have been incredibly impressed with the drawing and designing skills of everyone in the the class.

After a hectic half-term I think we are all ready to enjoy some autumn sunshine. Please ensure that regular reading continues and some times tables practice would be fantastic!

Have a lovely holiday

Mrs Trotter



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