Maple Tree Class Blog
Maple Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update 28.3.25
Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog
As the excitement mounts for the residential trip to Peat Rigg next week, Maple Tree Class have been busy completing their balanced arguments and deepening their understanding of angles; focusing on vertically opposite angles and angles in a triangle.
On Wednesday 2nd April, please can children arrive at school at the normal time but go straight to the hall (the side doors will be open). Any medication needs to be checked in with Miss Bairstow and administering details confirmed. We will bring any in school medication (blue inhalers).
We aim to leave school by 9:15am and return to school at the end of the school day (traffic permitting) - we will notify school if there is a significant delay.
If there are any queries ahead of Wednesday please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Miss Bairstow on our class email addresses.
The weather is looking promising so sun cream may be advisable. A reminder of the kit list is attached.
Have a super sunny weekend!
Mrs Trotter
Weekly Update 21.3.25
Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog
A hardworking and focused assessment week in Year 6. The children worked hard to complete a range of assessments and showed the great progress they are making. It was lovely to see parents and children during parents' evening this week and discuss individual progress, secondary transition, the residential trip and the forthcoming SATs. All parents/carers received an information booklet about the SATs that will be taking place week beginning Monday 12th May. If there are any questions about SATs please do not hesitate to contact me.
We completed the week with an amazing Maya workshop with Dr Diane Davis, who shared her knowledge of the Maya. The children were also able to see Maya artefacts and discuss what they were used for.
A super sunny PE lesson involving communication skills and balancing was enjoyed by everyone. Lots of enthusiasm and laughter!
Enjoy the weekend
Mrs Trotter
Weekly Update 14.3.25
Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog
Very busy times in Year 6!
Some great balanced argument writing underway. In maths, we have moved onto calculating missing angles.
Next week, we are looking forward to the Maya workshop.
Have a lovely sunny weekend.
Mrs Trotter