Maple Tree Class Blog
Maple Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update 7.3.25
Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog
A fabulous World Book Day. Maple Tree Class arrived in some very imaginative book characters and enjoyed entering the 'Design a National Book Voucher Competition'. It has also been great to see a number of children enter the Leeds City Council poster competition to design new signs to let people know that smoking and vaping are not allowed in certain areas - Well done to all those children (and 5 house points!).Part of homework this week is a writing competition writing activity linked to activity. Mr Spence shared information about this in assembly on Monday.
Thank you to all parents/carers who have booked a parent's/carer's evening appointment. I have spoken to all children whose parents/carers still need to make an appointment. This is particularly important as this is the last parent's/carer's evening of primary school and before the Standard Attainment Tests (SATs) which are week beginning Monday 12th May.
In maths, we have been working on understanding area and perimeter and have been consolidating understanding the different methods of arithmetic. Another well done to those children who took extra papers to practise these methods.
A beautiful, sunny week. Let's hope the sun returns for the weekend.
Mrs Trotter
Weekly Update 28.2.25
Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog
Maple Tree Class quickly resumed classroom routines this week.
In English, the children have studied the features of a balanced argument in preparation for writing about deforestation. In maths, we have started to think about area and perimeter. I will shortly be sending home a maths revision booklet to support the children ahead of the SATs assessments in May.
As part of our PSHE curriculum in school we teach children about the risks and dangers associated with smoking and vaping. We have been asked by LCC to encourage the children in UKS2 to get involved in a competition to design new signs to let people know that smoking and vaping are not allowed in certain areas.The winning signs will be used across Leeds to ensure people don’t smoke or vape near schools and play parks. This is an optional addition to homework this week. Children who have expressed an interest to take part will bring home further information. All entries into the competition should be handed into school by Wednesday 5th March.
Enjoy the sunny weekend!
Mrs Trotter
Weekly Update 7.2.25
Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog
Our week began with both an assembly and workshop on resilience. The children listened well and shared lots of their thoughts and ideas on how they can be resilient when change happens.
We have completed a number of assessments this week. It has been pleasing to see the progress the children have made and their mature approach to this aspect of Year 6.
Today, the children have enjoyed publishing their rainforest poems. The range of vocabulary used has been amazing. We plan to create our own Maple Tree Class poetry book.
Just a reminder about the Peat Rigg parents/carers meeting on Monday at 3:30pm. Please can all consent forms be returned by Monday 10th February.
An incredibly productive week.
Have a restful weekend.
Mrs Trotter