Maple Tree Class Blog
Maple Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update 28.4.23
Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog
After an amazing residential trip to Peat Rigg, Maple Tree Class have settled into preparing for their SATs assessments. These will be taking place each day from Tuesday 9th May until Friday 12th May. On these days, school will be providing a free breakfast club to all the children in Year 6. Children should arrive at school around 8:30am on these days. It is a great start to the day and helps children to settle to the work ahead.
Following the residential trip, the children have been writing thank you letters to all the staff at Peat Rigg to express their thanks for their support (and great food!) while they were there. Please take a look at a selection of the photos from Peat Rigg here Peat Rigg photos
In maths, our focus has been on Geometry and identifying and finding missing angles. Next week, we will be revising a range of maths topics ready for the following week.
Have a super bank holiday weekend.
Mrs Trotter
Weekly Update 22.4.22
Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog
Hi everyone,
This week has been all about the Y6 Residential. We have had a brilliant time in North Yorkshire at Peat Rigg. I am sure that your child will tell you all about it and we will upload a slide show of all the best photos next week.
Mrs Trotter
Weekly Update 31.3.23
Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog
The end of the spring term has arrived and we have been busy preparing for the next term.
Year 6 have a particularly exciting start to the next term, as the children go on their residential trip to Peat Rigg. All details are on the class web page and an additional letter has gone home with the children that needs to be completed and returned by Monday 17th April.
This week, the class enjoyed the spring sunshine this week when they played some hockey matches. The children have enjoyed developing their striking and fielding skills.
To complete the spring term, the children completed their Design and Technology project Automata Animals with Mr Spence and took part in the school's Easter Egg Scramble.
We will share some of the completed Design and Technology projects next half-term.
A folder with some revision homework tasks will be sent home with the children today. This will help to prepare the children for the busy and exciting term ahead.
Have a wonderful holiday!
Mrs Trotter and Mr Spence