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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Maple Tree - Year 6
  3. Maple Tree Class Blog 2021-2022

Maple Tree Class Blog

Maple Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 1.7.22

Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog


Rehearsals for the Leavers' Production are going well. Everyone needs to learn their lines as scripts will be removed at the end of next week!

The second Market Day Event was held on Thursday. The children have really enjoyed the opportunity to raise some money for the FORP and had some great ideas. Each group / individual has now calculated the profit they have made. The winners will be announced next week.   

On Thursday, Leeds United Foundation came into school to run a PSHE workshop called Primary Choices. The children thought about the positive and negative choices that they can make and considered the consequences of both.

Another hectic week comes to an end.......

Enjoy the weekend

Mrs Trotter


Weekly Update 24.6.22

Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog


So many things to write about this week.

The children have enjoyed participating in Bikeability this week. They have shown an amazing attitude throughout and have been complimented on their excellent behaviour.

Everyone will find out their part in the leavers' production today. We have been reading through the script every day and will start rehearsals in the hall next week.

The transition day to Benton Park was a great success. The children were excited to discuss what they had done and are looking forward to starting at the school in September. Next week, the children moving to Guiseley School will have their transition day.

Finally, Year 6 have been busy preparing for their Market Day Events which are today and Thursday 30th June. An array of games, cakes and gifts will be available. It will be a fabulous event!

All hoodie orders have now been received - thank you. They will be arriving in a few weeks' time. 

Enjoy your weekend

Mrs Trotter   


Weekly Update 17.6.22

Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog


This week has flown by. Whilst our statutory assessments are completed, we are still very busy!

The children have been busy reading through our leavers' production script and learning the songs. Individual parts will be given out next week and then the fun of bringing the production together will begin! The children have had an amazing attitude.

The preparation for the 'Grow a £5' event continues with business plans and promotional posters being created. The children will be explaining their market day event in assembly on Wednesday. The dates of the market events are:

Friday 24th June 2-4pm

Thursday 30th June 2-4pm

Both market day events will be in the hall and both children and parents will get the opportunity to attend.

Bikeability starts on Monday. All children know which group they are in and which days they are cycling. Children need to remember to wear appropriate clothing  (possibly sun cream) and bring a bike lock if they are using their own bike.

The last day to order a leavers' hoodie is Monday. I have reminded those children who have not yet placed an order. Unfortunately, PC sports will not accept orders after this date as the hoodies are printed in bulk.

Finally, the next transition day for Benton Park is on Tuesday 21st June.

Enjoy the sunshine and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Trotter    


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