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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Maple Tree - Year 6
  3. Maple Tree Class Blog 2021-2022

Maple Tree Class Blog

Maple Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 4.2.22

Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog


Lots going on in school this week.....

Firstly, thank you to everyone who participated in our "Two-sday" non-uniform fundraiser on Wednesday (2.2.22!) and brought in 2 coins to help raise money for school. 

Our exciting D.E.A.R challenge began on Monday to celebrate National Storytelling Week. Each class were given a slot to go and ring the bell and when it sounded we literally had to "drop everything and read"! This happened once every morning and every afternoon. Each class were read to by their teacher for the sessions to encourage a love of reading aloud and sharing stories. Maple Tree class particularly enjoyed listening to 'The Boy at the Back of the Class'. We will be continuing with this story in our story sessions in the forthcoming weeks.      

On Wednesday, we were visited by a storyteller who told UKS2 a gruesome traditional tale which had them hooked! They were full of questions and suggestions to help develop the story as it was told. 

Finally, to finish the week, UKS2 received a visit from Dave Bunting this afternoon as part of our Mountains topic. Dave is a real life mountaineer (and luckily for us - a parent of a Y6!) who has led many expeditions - including to the Himalayas and Mount Everest! The children loved listening to him speak about his adventures and seeing all of the equipment he uses. I'm sure it will have given them lots of inspiration and ideas for the rest of the work we have planned linked to mountains!  

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Trotter

Weekly Update 28.1.22

Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog

Hi everyone,

A busy week completing our adventure stories. The children are almost ready to publish their work and we are hoping to create our own adventure stories book!

In science, the children are preparing to investigate thermal conductors and insulators. The children learned about the different variables they have to consider and decided on the different materials they would be testing. 

In my maths group, we have been learning about percentages. To complete the week, the group worked on different discussion problems to consolidate what they have learned so far. Lots of mathematical vocabulary could be heard as the children worked in pairs to solve the tricky problems.

A letter regarding parents' evening has been sent home. As before, there is an online booking system but the appointments will be in school. I am looking forward to seeing parents and carers and sharing the progress the children have been making. Further details on the letter.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Trotter


Weekly Update 21.1.22

Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog


Everyone has enjoyed learning more about mountains this week. The children identified the different features of mountains and mountain ranges and are developing a wide technical vocabulary on the topic. As we begin to write adventure stories, it will be the perfect opportunity to include this vocabulary to describe the settings. I am hoping for some gripping stories next week.

In my maths group, we worked hard on converting fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions. A thorough understanding has been demonstrated by the high level of reasoning problems the children have been completing and an increasing resilience to work through problems independently. 

The class started their art topic on North American artists and completed some excellent pencil drawings inspired by the portrait artist John Singer Sargent.

Enjoy the weekend

Mrs Trotter


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