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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Classes
  2. Pear Tree - Year 1
  3. Pear Tree Class Blog 2021 - 2022

Pear Tree Class Blog

Pear Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 7.7.2022

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog

We have had a fun week in Pear Class. 

The children baked some African inspired biscuits with Mrs Darley. They all had lots of fun and hopefully you have enjoyed eating the biscuits at home! 


On Wednesday we celebrated Sports Day. Well done to all the children for taking part and showing a fantastic sporting attitude. We had some very tired children on Wednesday afternoon! 

In maths we have spent some time recapping how to measure using rulers. In topic we have used the atlases to find different countries in Africa and describe their location using the compass points north, east, west and south. 

Just a reminder that the Key Stage Two performance of Emil and the Detectives will be taking place on Thursday 14th July at 6:30pm - 8:00pm at Yeadon Town Hall with tickets being £3 each if you would like to go an watch. Tickets can be purchased here:

The Key Stage One school disco will also be on Wednesday 20th July. If your child would like to attend please make sure that you return their permission slip before this date. 

Enjoy the sunny weather this weekend! 

Miss Atkinson 

Weekly Update 1.7.2022

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog

This week has gone by so quickly!

In computing the children explored Scratch Junior on the new school iPads. Scratch is a useful app to introduce children to the concepts of algorithms, programming and coding. The children used what they have been learning in science to create their own animal scene. I heard some good conversations about which animals live in which habitats and the children demonstrated good problem solving skills when our algorithms didn't always work as expected! 


In art, the children have created some beautiful African sunset pictures using watercolours and black card silhouettes. I was very impressed with the attention to detail that all the children showed when cutting out their silhouettes. 


In English we have started reading our new book which is 'Mama Panya's Pancakes'. The children enjoyed making predictions about what they thought would happen next in the story and have also written their own invitation to a pancake party, inspired by the book. 

Sports Day will now be taking place on Wednesday 6th July from 10:30 - 12:00 (cross your fingers for drier weather!) so please make sure your child wears their PE kit on this day. 

Please also remember that your child's homework project for the next few weeks is to create a model of an African animal or African musical instrument. These need to be in school by Wednesday 13th July. Please do not send models into school before this date. 

Enjoy the weekend, 

Miss Atkinson 

Weekly Update 24.6.2022

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog

We have had another buys week in Pear Class. 

The week started with an African drumming workshop. All the children hugely enjoyed this and learnt how to sing some African songs and play their drums in call and response. 


An art exhibition is taking place in Guiseley Theatre all next week to display children's work from schools in the local area. The theme of all the artwork is 'Out for a Walk'. All children in our class created their own art using petals and flowers. Three have been chosen to be displayed at the art exhibition. 


In maths we have spent some time recapping addition and subtraction with the number line and recapping how to share equally.

Just a reminder that sports day is on Wednesday 29th June and Key Stage One's events will be taking place from 10:30 until 12:00. Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit on this day. 

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday!

Miss Atkinson 

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