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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Pear Tree - Year 1
  3. Pear Tree Class Blog 2021 - 2022

Pear Tree Class Blog

Pear Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 30.9.2022

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog

We have learnt so much this week in Pear Class. 

In phonics we have spent some time recapping the 'ear', 'air', 'ure' and 'igh' trigraphs before we continue with the Level 5 sounds next week. 

In English we started learning about 'What the Ladybird Heard'. We have acted out key parts of the story - which a lot of the children found hilarious - and have spoken about what characters might be thinking and feeling at different parts of the story. 


In art we have continued learning about land art created by Andy Goldsworthy. We went on a walk around the school grounds to collect natural materials and each child then created their own land art sculpture. 


In maths we have been learning about counting forwards and backwards on the number line, as well as finding one more and one less than a given number up to 10. 

Just a reminder that now the weather is turning cooler please make sure that your child has a warm waterproof coat in school every day. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and will see you again on Monday. 

Miss Atkinson 

Weekly Update 23.9.2022

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog

This week has gone so quickly! The children have completely settled in to Year One and have had lots of fun this week. 

In maths the children have continued working on place value within 10. We have focused on counting forwards and backwards as well as finding one more than a number using counters and the number line. 

We have done lots of descriptive writing in English, using the story of 'Owl Babies'. Next week we will be starting to read 'What the Ladybird Heard'.

In art the children continued learning about Andy Goldsworthy and completed some observational drawings of flowers, shells, sticks and pinecones. 


Today we have continued sorting animals, plants and other objects into the categories of living, dead or never alive. We went for a walk around the school grounds and discussed what would fall into each of these categories. 

Enjoy the weekend and see you again on Monday, 

Miss Atkinson 

Weekly Update 16.9.2022

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog

Another busy week has come to an end in Pear Tree Class. The children have worked so hard this week and are becoming familiar with all the Year One rules and routines. They have all especially enjoyed playing on the new trim trail in our playground. 

In phonics the children have learnt to read the 'ay' sound in words (e.g. 'day') and we have spoken about when to use the 'ai' or 'ay' spelling in words. The children enjoyed going on an 'ay' word hunt around the classroom. 


In maths we have done lots of work on counting up to 10 and representing the numbers to 10 in different ways. 

In English we have focused on the book 'Owl Babies' and the children have been writing lists to describe the owls from the story. 

Another highlight of the week was art. We are learning about the sculptor Andy Goldsworthy and all the children created their own sculpture using clay inspired by nature. 


I will see you again on Tuesday 20th September, 

Miss Atkinson

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