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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Pear Tree - Year 1
  3. Pear Tree Class Blog 2021 - 2022

Pear Tree Class Blog

Pear Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 19.4.24

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog

We have had a fantastic first week back. All the children have returned to school with a positive attitude and have completed so much learning this week. 

In English we have introduced our new core text 'Handa's Surprise' and the children wrote a description of Handa's village. 

In maths we have spent the week recapping addition, subtraction and halving. We have also introduced the concept of mass and the children compared the mass of two objects using the terms 'heavier' and 'lighter'. 

In geography the children worked in teams to label a map of the world with all seven continents and five oceans. To help us remember the names of the continents and oceans we have been listening to the following two songs. 

Seven Continents Song

Five Oceans Song


We are learning about different sculptors in art this half term. On Wednesday the children learnt about sculptor Marc Quinn and we were inspired to replicate a sculpture that Quinn created of his hand. Every child in class created their own hand sculpture using air drying clay. 

Enjoy the weekend and see you again on Monday, 

Miss Atkinson

Weekly Update 28.3.24

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog

On Tuesday the children enjoyed a Road Safety Workshop, where they learnt about the Green Cross Code. The leader of the workshop was very impressed with how well the children listened and behaved. 

On Wednesday we showed Red and Green Apples our Cinderella moving pictures that we have made in DT and enjoyed reflecting on our learning over the past few weeks. 

In science we have been learning about what plants need to grow healthily. We set up an experiment a few weeks ago where one plant received water and sunlight, another received only water, one received only sun and one received no sun or water. Today we looked at the results of our experiment. The children enjoyed trying to work out which plant had been grown in which conditions without looking at the labels on the pots. 

Today the children have enjoyed learning about the Easter story and making Easter cards. 

Happy Easter everyone and enjoy the Easter holidays! I will see you back at school on Monday 15th April. 

Miss Atkinson

Weekly Update 22.3.24

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog

The children had a good start to the week by watching the dress rehearsal of Key Stage Two's 'Oliver' on Monday morning. The children sat beautifully during the performance and were very enthusiastic about the songs. 

In maths we have continued learning about turns and have progressed onto learning about quarter and three quarter turns. The children have shown good perseverance with quite a difficult mathematical concept! 

In English we have written information posters about Yeadon. All the children wrote their posters independently and have shown fantastic progress with their writing over the last few weeks. 

In PSHE we have learnt who helps to keep us safe (trusted adults and emergency services). In geography we are coming to the end of our topic which compares Yeadon and Tulum. We have learnt about the human features of Tulum this week and next week we will be answering our question of 'How is Tulum different to Yeadon?' 

See you on Monday 25th March for the final week before the Easter holidays!

Miss Atkinson

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