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0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Lime Tree - Year 1/2
  3. Lime Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Lime Tree Class Blog

Lime Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 23.06.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


A shorter week for us in Lime Tree with the training day today but we have still packed a lot in!

As part of our DT project, the children have designed and made a seaside themed bunting flag using brightly coloured felt and fabric glue. Mrs Bellwood very kindly threaded them together with ribbon to create a whole class bunting. Some of our bunting will be on display at Guiseley Theatre as part of the ALPT Art Exhibition from Saturday 24th June to Saturday 1st July. If you do make a visit we hope our bunting will make you think of a sunny day by the sea. 

In Science, we have starting to think about where our food comes from and how it gets from farm to fork. The children were able to identify that plants are grown for food and might be grown on farms, allotments, in gardens or on windowsills. Animals are reared - all animals need food and water to stay alive and a clean place to sleep. Farmers rear animals to supply food. Some food is caught - animals like fish are caught for food. Fishing usually takes place in the sea, rivers or lakes but fish can also be farmed.

In English we have been writing riddles. Our focus text 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley' includes lots of riddles about the animals that Stanley meets along the way. The children had to choose their own sea creature to write a riddle about. They then shared their riddle with a partner who had to guess what their sea creature was. 

We are all very excited for the seaside trip to Filey next Wednesday 28th. Please make sure you have read the reminders letter that was sent home at the start of this week.

Have a lovely (long) weekend!

Miss Cotterill 

Weekly Update 16.06.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


A very hot a busy week for us in Lime Tree.

In English we have continued with our 'Somebody Swallowed Staley' writing by retelling the story from Stanleys perspective. To help us get in to character we did some role play outside.

In Maths Year 1 have been solving subtraction problems (within 20) using different methods. Year 2 have being subtracting using exchanging with the help of base 10 (when crossing the tens).

In Science we have been thinking about what animals including humans need to survive (air, water, food and shelter). During our lesson we imagined we were stranded on a desert island and the children had to decide on one luxury item that would make them happy while on the island. We had a lot of yacht requests!! All week we have also been looking at our caterpillars and documenting their growth in our diaries. I think the heat has accelerated the growth of our caterpillars because only 1 week after they were delivered they are now in their chrysalises. Wriggly Caterpillars

As part of our music lessons all classes in school are taking part in the 'RPPS Big Sing'. Each class has been given a song to learn over the half term that they will perform at the end. Here is a video of Lime Tree signing our song - Start the day in a brilliant way

Just a polite reminder to ask that children are coming to school with sun cream already applied and with hats to wear. The weather is forecast to remain hot next week. 

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Cotterill

Weekly Update 09.06.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


It was lovely to welcome back so many smiling faces on Monday. We have had a fantastic first week back in Lime Tree. 

Our topic this half term is 'Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside' and we completed our first topic lesson looking at what the seaside is and sorting photos according to whether they showed the seaside or Leeds. We also looked at a UK seaside map and it was great to hear that so many of us have visited different ones!

In English, our new focus text for this half term is called 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley' by Sarah Roberts. It is a lovely book and the children have enjoyed getting into character this week and writing thought bubbles in first person.  

In Science we have continued our learning all about animals. This week our lesson was about different lifecycles with a focus on the process of metamorphosis which some animals go through. Linking to this, we had a very special delivery on Thursday... Our very own baby caterpillars arrived and we will be watching them grow and change over the next few weeks!!! I have attached a video of their fist movements: Baby Caterpillars

On Tuesday, the children enjoyed an assembly by 'The Music Man' informing them of the different musical instruments that they can sign up to learn in school time during the next academic year. Letters were sent home with information about how your child can sign up for this. More information can be found here, if you're interested:  

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Cotterill 


Weekly Update 26.05.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


Another half term has come and gone again! We have had a lovely final week in Lime Tree class.

We have been putting our artist skills to the test by using water colour and poster paint to create a picture of a pirate ship sailing on the sea with the sun setting in the background. 

We have tried to make the most of this weeks lovely weather and completed a true hunt. Using the leaves we managed to identify 9 different varieties of trees around the school grounds. 

In computing we have been using positional language - forwards, backwards, left and right to programme and move Bee-Bots around a map. Take a look at our IT wizzes programming independently!

Programming Bee-Bots

In English we have finished our final piece based on 'The Pirates Next Door'. The children created messages in a bottle for Jim Lad from Matilda. Thank you to those who contributed a plastic bottle - they are looking great on Lime Tree's display.

I'm really happy to tell you that our PE lessons with Northern Arts Dance coach will continue next half term. The children have absolutely loved it and I have uploaded a video to show you what they have been working on. Enjoy!

Matilda - Revolting Children

Happy holidays and I look forward to seeing you all in Summer 2.

Miss Cotterill 



Weekly Update 19.05.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


We have come to the end of our disrupted weeks due to Year 2's special jobs. Like last week the children have continued to be calm, flexible and hardworking regardless of their changing timetable. As a thank you I arranged a little treat for them to finish their week. 

In DT after designing our lunch box for Pirate Paddy we got busy making them! Everyone managed to create an amazing lunch box that met the design criteria (have a strong handle, waterproof, protect the food, be strong and appealing to pirates). The children were so excited about taking the boxes home that we decided we couldn't wait a whole week to test them so we tested them on Thursday by sending them down a washing line, full of food and with seagulls (balls) flying at them. The children then evaluated their lunch boxes and highlighted any improvements they could make. 

In various subjects we have been thinking about how humans can help look after our planet Earth. The key words discussed were - Reduce, Reuse & Recycle. We listened to Jack Johnsons 'The 3 R's' song. The link is here if you would like to listen together at home: 

Just a reminder that it is class photo day next Wednesday 24th, please bring in PE kit separately.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Cotterill


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