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Rufford Park Primary School

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0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Lime Tree - Year 1/2
  3. Lime Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Lime Tree Class Blog

Lime Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 24.03.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


Week 5 of this half term is done and only 1 week to go until our Easter break!

This week in Maths both Year 1 and Year 2 have started to look at money. They have been recognising and ordering coins and notes by value and making amounts using coins. 

In English we have started our new focus text 'Little Red Riding Hood' which the children are already very familiar with. Our focus has been looking at the perspectives of different characters and what they are thinking/feeling at different points of the story. 

In Science we have started looking at the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees. We went on a Tree Hunt around the school grounds and tried to identify as many different trees as we could by looking at their leaves. Over the past 5 weeks the children have been growing their very own sunflowers and they are now ready to be rehomed and repotted into a bigger pot or straight in to the ground. I have sent a little message home with the children about continuing to help the sunflowers grow. I would love to see how the plants turn out so please take some pictures! 

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Cotterill 

Weekly Update 17.03.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


It has been a quieter week around school but we have still been very busy in Lime Tree.

In Maths we have come to our last week on fractions. Over the past three weeks Year 1 have been focusing on half and quarter of shapes, objects and numbers. Year 2 have been focusing on half, quarter and third of shapes, objects and numbers. 

In English we have been looking at features of a diary. The children have written their own diary entries as one of The Three Little Pigs, making sure to include everything on our checklist. 

In Science we started our 'Cress Experiment' which is testing how the conditions that a plant is in will effect it's growth. Everyone made some super predictions based on everything we have already learnt about keeping a plant healthy. 

We have had a very crafty week making Picasso inspired 'Shape Portraits' and Roy Lichtenstein inspired 'Dot Painting'. We also did a very special craft today which I am sure will be revealed over the weekend...

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Cotterill 

Weekly Update 10.03.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


Well what an interesting end to the week we have had... I hope everyone has chance to have some fun in the snow!

In Maths this week we have continued our work on fractions. In Year 1 the children have been looking at how to find half of a quantity and how to find a quarter of a shape. In Year 2 the children have been looking at quarters and thirds of numbers, shapes and objects.

In English we have been planning and writing a letter from one of The Three Little Pigs to Mummy Pig. In the letter they have told Mummy Pig about recent events with (the not so) Big Bad Wolf and also invited her to come and visit them in their new home.

We have continued our Science work on plants by exploring the school grounds. Although it has been very cold this week, we were able to spot lots of different plants and some signs that Spring is on its way. The sunflower seeds we planted in week 1 have finally started to shoot up which is really exciting! The children have been recording the change in their Sunflower Diaries. 

Thankfully we were very organised in Lime Tree yesterday and got homework ready to send home early. Today is a perfect opportunity to get homework done and of course, do some reading!

Have a lovely snowy weekend.

Miss Cotterill

Weekly Update 03.03.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


We have already come to the start of March and very nearly in the season of Spring. We have really been enjoying all of our new learning in Lime Tree this week.

In English we have continued with our focus text 'The Three Little Pigs' and have been writing apology letters from the Big Bad Wolf to the Pigs. The quality of writing in our class is getting better and better. My Wow Work wall is going to be full this week!

In Maths Year 2 have been recognising and finding 1 half and 1 quarter of shapes and quantities. In Year 1 the children have also been recognising and finding 1 half of shapes and quantities. 

In Science we continued with our plants focus and looked at the 4 main parts that make up the structure of a plant (root, stem, leaf and flower). The children very carefully handled little plants out of their pots in an investigation so that the roots could be seen clearly. 

On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day. The children looked great in their special t-shirts! KS1 and EYFS took part in a cat-walk to show off all of the children's fabulous creations. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Cotterill 


Weekly Update 24.02.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


Another fantastic week in Lime Tree has come to an end. Everyone came back with a big smile and super attitude on Monday!

We have now started our new topic 'Once Upon a Time' and In English we have been retelling the story of The Three Little Pigs. In our Topic lesson we have learnt about what it means to be a monarch and how we could be a good or bad monarch.

In Science we started our Plants focus by planting our very own sunflower seeds and talking about what we can do to help it grow and be healthy. The children also started recording in their own sunflower diaries - this is something we will be doing each week as our sunflower grows and changes. 

In Maths Year 1 have been solving addition and subtraction missing number sentences (within 20) using a number line. Year 2 have been solving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division word problems using the previously taught methods such as arrays and repeated addition.

We have finished our week by planning and decorating our World Book Day t-shirts in anticipation for next Thursday. The children are all really proud of their work and can't wait to wear them.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Cotterill 

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