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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Lime Tree - Year 1/2
  3. Lime Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Lime Tree Class Blog

Lime Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 08.09.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog

Hello and welcome to Lime Tree 2023-24 blog!

It has been a lovely first week getting to know each other; everyone has settled into Lime Tree really well.

On Tuesday the children all had an opportunity to share their 'all about me bags'. This was a great way to find out more about the children's life outside of school!

In Maths we have been doing lots of practical activities to recap on numbers to 10 and 20. Year 1 have been sorting objects by colour, shape and size. They have also been using ten frames to count up to 10 objects. Year 2 have been making numbers up to 20 using cubes and the base 10 to represent tens and ones. 

In English our focus text has been 'The Colour Monster Goes to School'. The children have really enjoyed this story and using their imaginations to take their own Colour Monster on an adventure.

We have also had lots of fun in our PE lessons practicing our throwing and catching skills with a partner.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend in the sunshine :)

Miss Cotterill 

Weekly Update 21.07.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


We made it through the final week... I cannot believe a whole year with my lovely Limes has come to an end already!

I want to thank each and every child for being such a superstar and making my first year of teaching an amazing one. Getting to know them has been a delight and I am extremely saddened to see them go but I do wish them the very best for the future!

Another thank you goes out to all the grownups as well for being so supportive throughout this year :)

This week has been a great one full of fun. A particular highlight was the KS1 disco that took place on Monday afternoon. The Best Day Ever!!! 

All that is left to say is have a wonderful summer holidays, have fun and stay safe!

We look forward to welcoming you back in September!

Miss Cotterill 

Weekly Update 14.07.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


It has been a very exciting week for us all in Lime Tree Class.

On Monday we had our EYFS & KS1 Sports Day. Luckily the weather held out for us and we were all able to complete and enjoy our races! I was really impressed with everyone in Lime Tree for showing great sportsmanship and for being really supportive friends to their peers.

On Wednesday we had our transition morning where the children met their new class teacher for September. Everybody had a great morning and came back with big smiles! The 'Seaside in a  Box' art exhibition also took place after school. The children were all really proud of their creations and wanted to share their work with everybody. Thank you to those of you who took the time to visit.

I cannot believe how quickly the weeks have whizzed by and now we only have 1 left! Where has that time gone?

A few little reminders - our KS1 end of year disco is taking place on Monday 17th (make sure to come PARTY ready). Can all library books or reading books that have been taken home this year be returned by Tuesday 18th. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Cotterill 


Weekly Update 07.07.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


A slightly quieter week in school for us this week but we have still had lots of fun in Lime Tree.

Following our trip to Filey last week our focus in English has been to create an information poster all about Filey Beach. We started by identifying the features needed for an information poster. Then we gathered information and facts that we could include on our posters. The children also had to think of their own 'Top Tip' for people visiting Filey. The finished products all look amazing!

We got our creative juices flowing with some seaside prints. The children had to create a stencil of a sea creature and then sponge over this with lots of blue paint to give the effect of wavy sea.

In anticipation for Sports Day we have been practicing the different events that will be taking place. We hope to see lots of you there cheering us on!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Cotterill 

Weekly Update 30.06.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog


A very exciting week in Lime Tree has come to an end.

On Monday morning we had a wonderful surprise... The butterflies had all emerged from their chrysalises! It was amazing to see the Painted Lady butterflies up close. We gave them sugar water to drink and fresh oranges to eat. Unfortunately once they hatch they can only stay in the butterfly house for 2-4 days so we set them free while the weather was nice on Monday afternoon. Some of them needed a little encouragement!

 Butterflies 1     Butterflies 2      Butterflies 3

On Wednesday we had our trip to the seaside. We had an amazing day! Jack the lifeguard told us all about his job and how to stay safe at the beach. The children played in the sand and paddled in the sea. To finish the trip we had a lovely ice cream. The children were all so well behaved and they really did Rufford Park proud. Thank you again to the adults who came and supported us. Jumping over waves :)

On Thursday it is fair to say the children were little subdued! I think we were all a bit tired from our trip. We finished our week with some Filey recount writing including time words in English and looking at making healthy choices for our lunch boxes in Science (linking to the Eat Well plate).

Just a reminder that the Yeadon Carnival is taking place this Saturday at Yeadon Cricket Club. The parade will be starting from the Town Hall at 11am. We have some children from Rufford Park in the parade along with a FORP stall at the carnival. Myself and other member of staff will be showing their faces so I hope to see lots of you :) 

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Cotterill


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