Cherry Tree Class Blog
Cherry Tree Class Blog
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
This week we have started out new topic 'Yeadon Explorers'. The children have been looking at maps and finding where Leeds and Yeadon are on them. We have also been reminding ourselves of the 4 countries of the UK and the seas that surround it. .
In English we have been reading the 'Smartest Giant in Town'. The children have been exploring words with common suffixes and using them in their writing.
In maths we have started our unit of work on Fractions. We have been exploring what fractions are and looking at finding a half of shapes, objects and numbers. The children have continued to work on their Times Tables and we have quite a few this week who have achieved their two, five or tens times tables. Well done to those children and everyone else keep working on these important facts.
On Thursday we had World Book Day. The children came dressed in some amazing outfits. I was really impressed with the range of book characters that we had. The children had a great day and enjoyed choosing some new books in the Book Swap.
Enjoy your weekend.
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
What a busy week the children have had!
In maths we have been working on shape. The children have been looking at the properties of both 2D and 3D shapes. We have been using mathematical vocabulary to describe them and looking at what 2D shapes we can find in 3D shapes.
The children have continued their Cinderella themed writing. We have been writing our own 'blurbs'. The children have really enjoyed this unit of work.
In DT we have continued the Cinderella theme. The children have designed and made their own Cinderella story page. They have included sliding and lever mechanisms. Some also included a 'lift the flap' with some hidden things to find underneath.
We had a very special visitor on Thursday, Jodie the skipping coach. The children really enjoyed the morning and showed great skill and determination with their skipping. We will hopefully have the first skipping competition in two years later in the school year.
The children have all worked very hard this half term and I am sure that they are all ready for a break.
Have a wonderful half term.
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
Yet another week that has gone by in a flash!
First of all I want to thank you all for coming to the Parent Meetings this week. It was so lovely to see people face to face and to be able to show you the work that the children have been doing. I think you would all agree that they have been working very hard. Thank you so much for all your positive feedback. It was good to hear that the children are happy, settled and enjoy coming to school. I was especially pleased to hear how much lots of them are enjoying reading at home, for pleasure, and how hard they have been working on their Times Tables too.
This week in Maths we have been measuring length and height. The children have showed skill in using different equipment to measure in cm's and metres.
We have continued to use Cinderella for our writing. The children have written their own 'Fairy Godmother' instructions this week. We have had butternut squash to replace the pumpkin and a variety of animals to replace the rats, mice and lizard used in many of the book versions.
Next week is the final week of the half term and the point at which we are half way through the school year. What a scary thought! Just a reminder that if children have had the same library book for some time they might want to make sure that they bring it back so that they can change it on Thursday for the holidays.
The children may have mentioned Miss Dyke who has been teaching and supporting in our class. She will be with us until the Easter holidays as part of her Teacher Training. The children have all made her feel very welcome. You may see her on the door some mornings and afterschool.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Moore