Cherry Tree Class Blog
Cherry Tree Class Blog
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
As always a busy and productive week!
It has been an unusual week as I spent two days of it with the Year 4's on their Nell Band Residential.
This week the children have continued their work on Fractions. They have been finding quarters of numbers, objects and shapes. We have also been learning about equivalent fractions and that a half is equivalent to two quarters.
In English we have continued to use the story of the 'Three Little Pigs'. The children have been writing letters to Mummy Pig inviting her to their house of bricks.
The highlight of the week was World Book Day. The children enjoyed doing some different activities linked to reading. This day is to promote reading and especially reading for pleasure. Please remember to listen to your child read at home at least three times each week. Thank you for your support with this.
Unfortunately due to a technical hitch I can't upload the World Book Day pictures. I will add them next week if I can.
Enjoy your sunny weekend!
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
An extremely busy first week back!
Our new topic this half term is 'Step Back in Time'. This week we have been learning a little about Queen Victoria. This is in preparation for our work on how Yeadon has changed since Victorian Times.
In maths we have started our unit of work on Fractions. This week the children have been finding a half of objects. shapes and numbers. I have been very impressed with the children's understanding and their ability to see the links with dividing by 2.
In English we have been using the story of 'The Three Little Pigs' to inspire our writing. The children have been sequencing and orally retelling the story. We have also used drama to think about how the pigs felt at different points in the story. Next week we will be writing letters to Mummy Pig from the Pigs.
Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
Well what a whirlwind of a half-term! I can't believe we are already at the end and are half way through the school year.
The highlight of the week has been our writing linked to Supertato. The children have created their own Fruit or Vegetable Superhero and used this character in their own Supertato Adventure. These adventures have been made into comic strips.
Wishing you all a Happy Half-Term. Hopefully we will return to some warmer Spring Time weather.
Mrs Moore