Lime Tree Class Blog
Lime Tree Class Blog 2020-2021
Lime Tree Class Home Learning - 05.02
Mr Spence (t.spence) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2020-2021
Hello Lime Tree Class!
Well done for all your efforts this week! You have worked extremely hard on your Maths and English, as well as some super topic work linked to Superheroes!
I hope you all managed to have some fun in the snow on Tuesday! I wonder how superheroes could have helped us with all the people struggling to travel with such hard weather conditions!
Next week is our final week of our Superhero topic and we will be looking at another superhero book 'Supotato'. This is one of my favourites and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do!
Tuesday is safer internet day and I have attached a virtual lesson for you to access from home all about being safe on the internet. This is especially important at the moment as we are using the internet and our devices much more than usual.
Your home learning is attached to the links below:
Year 1 Home Learning Timetable
Year 1 Home Learning Resources Folder
Year 2 Home Learning Timetable
Year 2 Home Learning Resources Folder
Have a great week and keep working hard!
Mr Spence
Lime Tree Class Home Learning - 01.02.21
Mr Spence (t.spence) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2020-2021
Hello Lime Tree Class.
Well done to all of you for your fantastic home learning this week. It has been lovely to see all the returned work on Teams and through email this week. How hard you are all working at home!
Once again, it has been really good to see you all this week in our small group sessions. You are doing so well at muting and unmuting yourselves when you are asked to speak. The times for these meetings will be changing next week so please check teams. They will all be on a Monday morning.
Remember to keep reading. You can access some online books from:
Oxford Owl select your book band colour and make a choice from there. Our class login is limetreeclass and the password is year1/2.
Harper Collins have now made free access to their Big Cat books. Click on the link and login in as a teacher
P/w Parents!21
As usual you can find your timetable for your year group and the resources folder to go with it below.
Year 1 Home Learning Timetable
Year 1 Home Learning Resources Folder
Year 2 Home Learning Timetable
Year 2 Home Learning Resources Folder
Remember the timetable and folder of work is also on teams under the file section.
Mental Health - This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. Of course learning is important but so is our own Mental Health. Here is also a link for activities to help keep children happy and healthy during lockdown. Please take a look and choose any that you would like to try. If you like the Elmer theme perhaps you and your child could spend some time together making your very own Elmer using an old milk carton.
Finally, please feel free to show this song It’s It’s OK if you’re not feeling OK to your children. It really is OK if we are not perfect! Be well everyone!
Have a great weekend and keep up the hard work next week!
Mr Spence
Weekly Update - Home Learning W/B 25.01.21
Mr Spence (t.spence) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2020-2021
Hello Lime Tree Class!
It has been great to meet most of you on Teams this week and I am so glad we managed to have a chat and catch up with each other! I hope after our chat you managed to keep working hard and that you got all your learning done this week!
Thank you to those who have sent work to our class email. It has been great to see the work lots of you are completing at home and I am so impressed with the standard of work I am seeing!
I have attached next week's home learning below and the folders with the resources in too!
Year 1 Home Learning Timetable
Year 2 Home Learning Timetable
Let me know if you have any issues or need any help with anything and I look forward to seeing you all again in our meetings this week! Below I have just added a reminder below about using Teams:
We expect children to behave as they would in any normal lesson in school. We ask that children be in a shared space in the house, rather than in their bedroom. Children should remain on ‘mute’ unless instructed otherwise. We may ask children to turn their cameras off or we may turn their cameras off for them.
Children are expected to:
- Sit sensibly (no eating or moving around)
- Raise a hand to speak (no calling out)
- Listen carefully and not distract classmates or use the chat functions
- Wear suitable clothing (home clothes are fine... but please, no pyjamas!).
Have a great weekend!
Mr Spence
Weekly Update - 15.01.21
Mr Spence (t.spence) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2020-2021
Hello Lime Tree Class
I hope last week’s home learning was successful and that you managed to get through all the work I set. It was so nice to see those children that managed to join us on Teams today for a little bit of the BFG story!
I have attached next week’s home learning to this blog in the same was as I did last week. If there are any problems, then you can email me at:
Try to follow the Maths and English as much as you can and remember to do this when you are asked. Adults at home are making fantastic teachers and need your help by doing what you are asked when you are asked!
Year 1 Home Learning Timetable – Week 3
Year 2 Home Learning Timetable – Week 3
The folders with resources for this week are below:
Have a nice weekend!
Mr Spence
Weekly Update - 08.01.2021
Mr Spence (t.spence) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2020-2021
Hello Lime Tree Class.
I hope you have all had a good week and have kept yourselves busy with your home learning.
Next week’s home learning timetable is attached below. Try to follow it as best as you can, although the afternoons are flexible so you can swap the afternoon lessons around to suit you. There is also a zip folder below with all the resources you will need for lessons (if you there isn’t a sheet in the folder then you should complete the work in your blue book).
You all had your Office 365 information in your pack with your email and password so that you can access teams. I have sent you all an invite for Friday afternoon for a story and catch-up session. On this occasion you will not be able to talk to me we will do this another time with smaller groups.
Click on the link below for your home learning timetable:
Year 1 Home Learning Timetable
Year 2 Home Learning Timetable
Any extra sheets are in the zip folder attached below:
We have set up a class email contact so that you can send me pictures of work or ask any questions you have. Please send these emails to
Take care and keep smiling!
Mr Spence