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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  2. Ash Tree - Year 5/6
  3. Ash Tree Class Blog 2021 - 2022

Ash Tree Class Blog

Ash Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 4.11.22

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog


It seems strange to think we are already in our second half term of the year and (dare I say it) on the run up to Christmas! 

In English, we have started planning and researching a non-chronological report all about the role of women during WW2.

In maths, some children have been consolidating their learning of formal methods for addition and subtraction and some have been learning about fractions.  

We have also started a new science topic and starting learning about Electricity. 

Finally, well done to all the children who finished a reading book over half term! Children can record any reading in their red reading records. This could be their school banded book, school library book, book club book or a book from home. As your child is now in Upper Key Stage Two, they can record independent reading in their reading record (as long as they can summarise what they have read!) alongside any reading they complete with an adult. Our goal is that children learn to enjoy reading for pleasure and achieve well during their time at Rufford Park and we want every child to leave at the end of Year 6 a confident and capable reader. An interesting statistic from The Reading Agency, a national charity helping to create a world where everyone is reading, is that children who read books often at age 10 gain higher results in maths and English at age 16 than those who read less regularly. 

Reading for just 20 minutes per day equates to being exposed to roughly 1,800,000 words per year compared to reading for 5 minutes per day which equates to around 282,000 words a year. 

Have a good weekend and try and challenge yourself to read as much as possible!

Miss Bairstow :) 

Weekly Update 20.10.22

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog


It has been lovely to receive several emails over the last few weeks with pictures of children in Ash getting stuck into their WW2 rationing homework project! If you haven't already had chance to try make a recipe, a rainy day over half term would be perfect to give one a go! The children have until Friday 9th December to complete as many recipes as they can. They must email in their pictures and return their sheet by this date to be in with a chance of winning a prize!

If you need another copy of the sheet, it can be downloaded here: UKS2 WW2 rationing DT homework task 

The recipe booklet can be downloaded here: UKS2 WW2 rationing DT homework recipe booklet

Here are some pictures of the children enjoying making some of the recipes! 

In English, we have been independently planning, writing and editing a diary entry for our assessed piece this half term. 

In maths, my group have been practising their formal methods for addition and subtraction with numbers up to 7 digits. 

Today, the 16 children who are currently part of the Y6 Book Club had an exciting end to the half term with a visit to Ilkley Literature Festival. We attended an interactive session with award-winning author, Sharna Jackson, where she discussed her next funny mystery adventure - The Good Turn. The children had the opportunity to meet Sharna after the event too and purchase a copy of her book. 

Have a lovely half term and I will see you all in a week!

Miss Bairstow :) 

Weekly Update 14.10.22

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog


It has been lovely to receive several emails over the last few weeks with pictures of children in Ash getting stuck into their WW2 rationing homework project! The children have until Friday 9th December to complete as many recipes as they can. They must email in their pictures and return their sheet by this date to be in with a chance of winning a prize! If you need another copy of the sheet, it can be downloaded here: UKS2 WW2 rationing DT homework task 

The recipe booklet can be downloaded here: UKS2 WW2 rationing DT homework recipe booklet

In English, we finished our evacuee diary entries and worked really hard to publish them in our best handwriting. Some of our writing is now on display in the corridor so look out for these if you are visiting school in the near future! 

In maths, Miss Bairstow's group have been practising rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. Mrs Trotter's group have been looking at common factors and practising their methods for addition and subtraction. 

I was overwhelmed this week by the number of Year 5's who wanted to volunteer to be "Reading Buddies" for a child in Reception. This is an exciting, new responsibility available to Year 5 for the first time this year. The children applied by completing an application form stating why they wanted to be a buddy and what skills they had that would help them in the role. We also looked closely at how often the Year 5's were reading at home themselves as we need buddies who practise what they preach! It was an incredibly difficult decision due the the number of excellent applications but I am pleased to announce our first Reading Buddies are Annie, Maizie-Lou, Oscar, George, Tilly, Amelia, Mia, Eleana, Taylor and James. They met their Reception buddies for the first time on Friday afternoon and were absolutely fantastic. The Reception children were engaged in the stories they read to them and the Year 5's are excited to return again next week! Mrs Millen and Mrs Mace (Reception teachers) said what a great afternoon it was and how well the buddies did. Here are some pictures of the Reading Buddies sharing stories for the first time. 

Have a great weekend. 

Miss Bairstow :) 

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