Willow Tree Class Blog
Willow Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update 11.2.22
K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog
Hello everyone,
It was lovely to see so many of you on Tuesday and Wednesday evening and I hope that you are all as proud of your children as I am. They have made such fantastic progress since September and they continue to challenge themselves in their learning.
This week we have continued to develop our knowledge of fractions on a numberline and have begun to look at equivalent fractions of a half and a quarter. The children made fraction wheels to represent fractions of a whole and we will be using these over the next few weeks to secure our understanding.
In science, we learnt about the water cycle and the different processes that take place within it and the children were very excited to learn that the water they drink now could have once been on the other side of the world!
In English, we have looked at using subordinating conjunctions in our work to add extra information to our sentences. Remember, if we want to add extra information we simply shout "I SAW A WABUB!".
Today, lots of children started their music lessons with Miss White from the Music for Schools Foundation. If you are still interested in enrolling your child, please visit the MfSF website to find all the information you need to enrol! (https://www.mfsf.org.uk/pages/information)
Our homework from now on is in the form of a project all about Fairtrade. Rather than a weekly activity, this is something the children can work on until the 28th March. Please find the information sheet here and the spellings for the week here.
As always, if you have any questions please get in touch via the class email.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Simms
Weekly Update 4.2.22
K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog
Hello everyone,
Story Telling Week has taken place this week and the children have had lots of opportunities to talk about the books they love, the books they want to read and the books they would recommend to others. We have taken part in the whole school 'DEAR' (Drop Everything And Read) and it has been very exciting to wonder when the school bell will ring and we have to stop what we are doing and read our class book 'Kid Spy'.
In maths, we have started our new topic of fractions and I have been extremely impressed with how much the children have been challenging themselves to take their learning to new heights and develop their understanding.
In English, we have continued reading and commentating on Grandpa Chatterji and the children have practised using their expression and intonation to bring the story to life.
In music, we have been practising our body percussion skills and have followed body percussion routines to well-known songs such as Wellerman and Can't Stop The Feeling to help develop our understanding rhythm and pulse to get ready to sing some new songs. These body percussion songs can be found on YouTube and are a great way to develop musical awareness, particularly for those learning new instruments.
Homework will be sent home tonight (please download here) and is due back on Wednesday. The new chapter of Tick Tock cafe can be found here and the book cover template can be found here.
Please keep reading and practising your times tables ready for next week's Awards Test.
Have a fantastic weekend,
Miss Simms
Weekly Update 28.1.22
K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog
Hello everyone!
Willow Tree Class have been busy progressing their learning in lots of different areas of the curriculum this week.
In maths, we have been developing our understanding of measurement and have begun to find the perimeter of 2D shapes.
In English, we have put ourselves in the shoes of one of the main protagonists of Grandpa Chatterji and written a diary entry about a day in the life of Neetu.
In science, we have looked at how water can change state lots of different ways through freezing, evaporation and the process of condensation.
We have had lots of celebrations this week with many children receiving their Bronze, Silver, Gold and Super Gold Times Tables Awards! Well done everyone! Our class goal is for everyone to have achieved their Bronze Award by February half term.
Homework will be sent home tonight and is due back on Wednesday. Homework can be downloaded here and Chapter 4 of Tick Tock Cafe can be found here.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Simms