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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Ash Tree - Year 5/6
  3. Ash Tree Class Blog 2021 - 2022

Ash Tree Class Blog

Ash Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 11.2.22

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog


We have had a slightly quieter week with less visitors but the children have continued to work hard as we approach the end of a long half term!

In English, we have been identifying features of newspaper reports as we prepare to write our own next week. 

In maths, Miss Bairstow's group have been converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa. 

Mrs Trotter and Mrs Senior's groups have been looking at different aspects of measurement. 

Lots of children in UKS2 represented the school in sports events this week. Please have a look at the links below for photos/further details if your child took part in these events. 

U11 Football v Yeadon St Peter and Paul 7 February 2022

Leeds Cross-Country Finals: Tuesday 8 February 2022

Thank you to all parents/carers who attended parents' evening appointments this week. It was nice to return to some normality and welcome you into school for this for the first time in two years! 

Have a good weekend.

Miss Bairstow

Weekly Update 3.2.22

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog


This week has been incredibly busy but also incredibly exciting! Prepare for a long blog entry...

Firstly, thank you to everyone who participated in our "Two-sday" non-uniform fundraiser on Wednesday (2.2.22!) and brought in 2 coins to help raise money for school. 

Our exciting D.E.A.R challenge began on Monday to celebrate National Storytelling Week. Each class were given a slot to go and ring the bell and when it sounded we literally had to "drop everything and read"! This happened once every morning and every afternoon. Each class were read to by their teacher for the sessions to encourage a love of reading aloud and sharing stories. In Ash Tree, we decided to read 10 different books for the challenge as we had recently completed a list of our top 10 favourite books. Each time the bell rang, we read the first chapter of a different book on the list! Lots of children in Ash Tree have already picked up copies of books we started to read to have as their library books as they enjoyed hearing the first chapters so much. 

Here are the books on our class list: 

On Wednesday, we were visited by a storyteller who told UKS2 a gruesome traditional tale which had them hooked! They were full of questions and suggestions to help develop the story as it was told. 

Finally, to finish the week, UKS2 received a visit from Dave Bunting this afternoon as part of our Mountains topic. Dave is a real life mountaineer (and luckily for us - a parent of a Y6!) who has led many expeditions - including to the Himalayas and Mount Everest! The children loved listening to him speak about his adventures and seeing all of the equipment he uses. I'm sure it will have given them lots of inspiration and ideas for the rest of the work we have planned linked to mountains!  

 Have a great weekend (and a rest to recover from such a busy week!) 

Miss Bairstow

P.S. Parents' evening appointments are still available to book for next week via School Cloud if you have not already done so.

Weekly Update 28.1.22

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog


I have been really impressed with Ash Tree's writing this week as we continued with our exciting adventure stories. We are hoping to finish and publish them next week and are looking forward to sharing them with other children in school as part of National Storytelling Week. 

Mr Cooke talked to us in assembly today about National Storytelling Week and the plan to D.E.A.R (DROP EVERYTHING AND READ!) at certain points next week when the bell rings. 

In maths, my group have started to learn about fractions and have been recapping how to find equivalent fractions and how to compare and order fractions with different denominators. 

Mrs Trotter and Mrs Senior's groups have been learning about equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. 

We are really looking forward to next week! 

Have a great weekend!

Miss Bairstow 

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