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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Cherry Tree -Year 2
  3. Cherry Tree Class Blog 2021 - 2022

Cherry Tree Class Blog

Cherry Tree Class Blog

Weekly Post 24.09.21

Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog

This week has felt like we have all settled back into the routines of school a bit more. The children have all worked incredibly hard!

We have continued to use the book 'Katie in London' this week.  The children have written some lovely descriptions of the main characters, Katie and the Lion.  We have been thinking about the use of adjectives and trying hard to use them in our work.

We have thought about the sights Katie saw on her adventure when creating our London Skyline Silhouettes.  The children used their careful cutting skills to create silhouettes of The Shard, Big Ben and St. Paul's Cathedral and many other famous London Landmarks.

In maths we have continued to work on 'Place Value'.  We have done lots of practical work using the equipment and continued to draw the representation of numbers to keep reinforcing the value of the digits.

In our topic work we have been looking in more detail about the events that caused the Great Fire of London.  

School Council votes will take place on Wednesday 13th October.  If your child is interested in applying to be our class representative they should have taken a letter home with the information needed.   

Could children please bring a cardboard box in next week, just a standard cereal box size. We will be using them for a Fire of London Workshop Day which will be happening on the 6th of October.

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Moore


Weekly Post 17.09.21

Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog

What a busy week!

It was so lovely to see so many of you for our 'Meet the Teachers' event on Tuesday and Wednesday.  It was good to be able to talk to you all (if only briefly) and get to know your faces, which will really help us when sending the children out the doors at home-time safely.  I think the children also enjoyed being able to show their grown-ups their classroom.

This week we have started our topic 'Emergency 999'.  Our main focus for this topic is the Great Fire of London.  We have ordered some events to create a timeline, so that the children can begin to have a better idea of the past and some of the main events that have happened. We have also sorted pictures thinking about whether they belong to the past or present day.

In English we have been listening to the story 'Katie in London'.  We have been using this book to inspire our writing and have written descriptions of Buckingham Palace and of the sights we might see from the London Eye.  We have used google maps and video clips to allow the children to have a 'virtual' visit to these famous sights.

In maths we have been recapping on our bonds to 10 and 20 and looking at the patterns between the two.  We have been using equipment to make numbers to 50 focussing on the value of the digits (tens and ones).     

In art we have been making some skyline silhouettes in preparation of our painted silhouettes London Skyline (pictures to come next week).    

The children will be bringing some maths and spelling homework home after school today.  Please remember that regular reading is also their homework and we really appreciate your support in listening to your child read at home as much as possible.  Please remember to record all their reading in their red reading record book.

The children may have mentioned bringing boxes to school.  We will need these for the first week in October (more details to come soon).  If you could keep them at home until nearer the time that would be really helpful and save us from being overcrowded with boxes.  

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Moore   

Weekly Post 10.09.21

Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog

Welcome to our first blog of the year!

All the children have made a fantastic start to the year.  They have come back full of enthusiasm and I am really looking forward to our year of learning together.

All the children had the chance to choose a library book yesterday.  They will have the chance to change their library book weekly (on a Thursday) but they can keep books for longer if they wish. Hopefully they have all been keen to read their school book.  Reading is so important and I hope that all children will be reading at home as much as possible.

I will be updating the class web page next week so please remember to look at this page for more information about routines and what we will be learning in Year 2.  

Next week you have been invited to a 'Meet the Teachers' drop in event.  Please check your child's book bag for this invitation.  I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible then. Please don't worry if you can not make this event.  Just come and say 'hello' at home time on another day!  

Have a great weekend.  I am sure there will be some tired children after the first week back.

Mrs Moore  

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