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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

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  1. Pear Tree Class Blog

Pear Tree Class Blog


Weekly Update 31.01.25

Posted: Jan 31, 2025 by: Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Pear Tree Class Blog


In Maths we have been looking at how we can use arrays and repeated addition to find the total of equal groups. We have also had a go at division as sharing between 2 and 5 groups. 

In English all the children have written their own version of Traction Man by using their imagination to create his next mission with the Shark Scissors as the villain. 

Our Geography topic has been all about the United Kingdom this half term. On Monday we looked at different human and physical features that can be found in the UK. The children worked in groups to sort them. Please take a look at this song which helps children to remember the 4 countries and their capital cities: 

In Science we have been looking at the 5 animal groups: Mammals, Birds, Fish, Amphibian and Reptiles. The children have been comparing animals from the same group.

In Computing the children have worked in pairs to create their very own BeeBot mat. Next week they will be using it to plan routes.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Cotterill