Lime Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update - 18.06.21
Posted: Jun 18, 2021 by: Mr Spence (t.spence) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2020-2021
We have been working extremely hard this week in Lime Tree Class.
We have carried on with our work on 'The LIghthouse Keeper's Lunch', writing descriptions of characters, writing from different characters viewpoints and creating a healthy packed lunch for the story. We have also pulled this through into some art work on Friday afternoon where we drew and painted some lovely pictures of the lighthouse and the zipwire from Mr Grinling's cottage.
In Maths we have carried on with Time in Year 1, and some of our pupils are really beginning to get the hang of telling time to the hour and half past. Some Year 1s are even telling the time to quarter of an hour! Year 2 have worked on some mixed arithmetic and reasoning word problems this week and have worked extremely hard!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Spence