Lime Tree Class Blog
Lime Tree Class Home Learning - 01.02.21
Posted: Jan 29, 2021 by: Mr Spence (t.spence) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2020-2021
Hello Lime Tree Class.
Well done to all of you for your fantastic home learning this week. It has been lovely to see all the returned work on Teams and through email this week. How hard you are all working at home!
Once again, it has been really good to see you all this week in our small group sessions. You are doing so well at muting and unmuting yourselves when you are asked to speak. The times for these meetings will be changing next week so please check teams. They will all be on a Monday morning.
Remember to keep reading. You can access some online books from:
Oxford Owl select your book band colour and make a choice from there. Our class login is limetreeclass and the password is year1/2.
Harper Collins have now made free access to their Big Cat books. Click on the link and login in as a teacher
P/w Parents!21
As usual you can find your timetable for your year group and the resources folder to go with it below.
Year 1 Home Learning Timetable
Year 1 Home Learning Resources Folder
Year 2 Home Learning Timetable
Year 2 Home Learning Resources Folder
Remember the timetable and folder of work is also on teams under the file section.
Mental Health - This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. Of course learning is important but so is our own Mental Health. Here is also a link for activities to help keep children happy and healthy during lockdown. Please take a look and choose any that you would like to try. If you like the Elmer theme perhaps you and your child could spend some time together making your very own Elmer using an old milk carton.
Finally, please feel free to show this song It’s It’s OK if you’re not feeling OK to your children. It really is OK if we are not perfect! Be well everyone!
Have a great weekend and keep up the hard work next week!
Mr Spence