Oak Tree Class Blog
Week 2, ending 1 March 2024
Posted: Mar 1, 2024 by: Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog
Special Mention:
None this week, due to no Special Mention Assembly
EMO tunes have been the music theme for this week and Avril Lavigne’s classic hit, Sk8er Boi, was by far the most popular. Tune!
In English, the children are continuing to learn about newspapers and are constructing their own news report about a possible Yeti sighting in Yeadon – you may have heard something about this already! In Maths, we have finished our Y5 work on fractions, and now know how to multiply fractions and find fractions of quantities. Homework reflects these two concepts.
A big highlight for the children this week was to listen to the antics of James Ketchell, adventurer, thanks to the generosity of FORP and spend part of the afternoon listening to his key ‘rules to live by’. Some of these were: never to give up on something you really want to do; if you find something hard, then take it a small step at a time and always be kind. I hope that your child will be able to expand on this a little more!
In our art session, we looked at the work on linear perspective by Susie Barstow and the children have created some beautiful landscapes, following her style.
Oliver rehearsals and prop making sessions continue – not long to go now! So please do encourage your child to learn their words (if they have not already done so) and remember to book your tickets for one of the three shows on offer (Tuesday, 19th March at 1.30 and 6pm and Wednesday, 20th at 6pm).
Homework is Maths and Spellings – both are due in on Wednesday (and do remember World Book Day is on Thursday, 7th March and we are encouraging the children to come dressed as the character they represented on their thought bubble - someone inspirational).
I hope you have a super weekend.
Mrs Adrienne Amos