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Rufford Park Primary School

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Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


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  2. Oak Tree - Year 5
  3. Oak Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Oak Tree Class Blog

Oak Tree Class Blog

Week 4, ending 28 June

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Reader: Amber

Special Mention: Tom

A super well done to these children!

Grunge music has greeted the children each morning as they have arrived this week – many children have mentioned how their parents have liked certain songs! They themselves did not seem too keen though…..!

In English, we are making good progress in planning how to retell the Ancient Greek myth, Medusa and Perseus. This is likely to be our final major piece of writing, so we are aiming to write to impress! It is hoped that all the children will try their hardest to include all that they’ve learned about writing in Y5. Watch this space!

More work on decimals in maths for Oak Tree Class. Again, this mathematical concept will be more of a focus in Y6, but it’s good to get the children familiar with decimals at this stage. Some have a great grasp of it already! Lucky y6 teachers!

In our Ancient Greek topic session (history), the children focused on the subject of ‘Legacy’ this week. In groups, they researched key elements of Greek legacy (Architecture, Olympics, Philosophy, Language and Democracy) and then we ended our session (in true Ancient Greek style) with a debate about which element is the greatest legacy. They did very well indeed!

In PSHE, we talked about how stereotypes can lead to unkind behaviour – how you don’t have to be a girl to like pink, or be a boy to play football. In pairs, the children created STOP and START signs, where they talked to each other about behaviour that needs to stop in society (eg teasing someone for their gender expression) and also behaviour that needs to be started (eg being friendly to children who appear ‘different’, using only kind words). This was a great session and I was very proud of their mature responses.

I hope you have a lovely weekend – we are heading to Benton Park High School next Wednesday afternoon to see their school show, ‘School of Rock’. This should be fun! And is also a chance for our Y5s to look inside a high school, if they haven’t already done so.


Mrs Adrienne Amos

PS you might like to know that the New Parent Packs went out this week - and each one included a fabulous persuasive leaflet about RPPS, written by one of the children from Oak Tree Class. Proud Teacher Moment #3921

Week 3, ending 21 June

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Reader: Phoebe

Special Mention: Niamh

A super week for these children!


We have been listening to Prog Rock all week, as we have completed our Early Bird Maths tasks.

Two key events have dominated our work in Week 3: Sports Day and the ALPT Art Exhibition.

Practising and assigning races are always exciting aspects of a primary school’s sports’ day – and that has definitely been the case this year in Oak Tree Class. All the children were very keen to be assigned to the sports’ day activities and our athletics sessions leading up to this momentous event certainly prepared the children well for their interhouse competitions! It is also glorious to note that, for once, the sun shone!!

The theme for this year’s ALPT (Aireborough Learning Partnership Trust) Art Exhibition was Marine Conservation, so we have honed our pen work and created a marvellous ‘shoal of fish’, which look really effective. Please see image below.

It has also been assessment week this week – the children have behaved superbly throughout the tests and have also demonstrated, by their secure tests results, how much progress they have made this year. Well done, Oak Tree!

I have you have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 3, ending 14 June

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Reader: Stanley

Special Mention: Padme

A special well done to these children!

We have all really enjoyed listening to ‘world instrumental’ music at the start of our day. It’s been very calm each day. Ladysmith Black Mambazo went down well on Tuesday morning!

We have just about completed our original song compositions in Music/Ukuleles. They are definitely ‘original’! We hope to record them all with Mr Jennings this week and I shall find a way to share the recordings with you.

In Maths, we are really enjoying a Y5 unit on angles. I have been so impressed with how well the children have dealt with this new (quite abstract) knowledge.

We have also been working hard getting ready for our KS2 Sports Day. Weather allowing, we will look forward to seeing some of you on Thursday afternoon.

I hope you have a lovely weekend – homework this weekend is Spellings and a Maths sheet, too.


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 1, ending 7 June

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Reader: Viraaj

Special Mention: Eva

A special well done to these children!

The music theme this week has been instrumentals.

The children have had a good 4 days in school since returning after the half term break.  They particularly enjoyed the Ancient Greek workshops where the children learned about the importance of theatre in Ancient Greek society and how to use their bodies to show a range of emotions as they recreated the myth of Perseus and Medusa.  This will feed into their English work over the coming weeks.

The children also enjoyed an extra PE lesson with Sam this afternoon.

Apologies for the briefness of this blog.  Mrs Amos has not been in school the last couple of days but may add some information to it at some point.

Have a lovely weekend

Y5 Oak Tree staff

Week 6, ending 24 May.

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Reader: Luke

Special Mention: Eva

A special well done to these children!


The music hits of Male Legends have been playing as the children have arrived each morning. No prizes for guessing the most popular ‘legend’… Michael Jackson! Every child had heard of him, but it was clear that only a few had heard of Frank Sinatra.

At last, in our English lessons, we have completed publishing our Rufford Park Primary School leaflets and what delightful documents they have proved to be! The staff team from the Reception classes have chosen the most persuasive four to be included in the ‘New-to-School’ packs this July, but, because the standard of every one has been so impressive, Mr Cooke has said that ALL of the children’s leaflets will be available for parents (new and old!) to read in the school entrance way. We are incredibly proud of this work!

The winning leaflets are created by: Lillie A-H, Zara A, Finn B and Rumina D. Well done to you four!

In Maths, we have begun learning a unit all about Statistics – this will be continued after half term.

The city-state of Sparta was our main focus in our history session. Now that we have looked in detail at both Athens and Sparta, we will be able to compare and contrast both of these regions in our next topic lesson on Ancient Greece. In the first week back, we are lucky enough to have an educational visitor come to lead the pupils in Phase 4 – this will be all about Ancient Greek theatre and their myths. It should be a lot of fun!

We have had a lot of fun today on 'Make the Rules Day'. Thank you for supporting FORP in this event. Some children have also represented the school in the Brownlee Triathlon today - fantastic efforts all round, you guys! And we have held another 'Oak Tree's Got Talent' show this morning - I never stop smiling in these events. It never fails to amaze me how creative this class is! Thanks for the many ways you have supported and encouraged your child in this little venture; truly a highlight for many!

As it is half term, and the children have worked so hard for the past six weeks, there will be no other homework over the break, apart from regular reading. Please do remember to fill in the Reading Records, too.

Have a super week off!

See you all on Tuesday, 4 June.


Mrs Adrienne Amos

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