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Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


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  3. Oak Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Oak Tree Class Blog


Week 5, ending 9 February 2024

Posted: Feb 9, 2024 by: Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Reader: Henry M

Special Mention: Finn

Well done to these children this week!


Rap and Hip Hop have greeted the children each morning – don’t worry though, I have vetted each and every song to ensure a ‘clean’ version has been played!

This week has been Internet Safety Week – and here is a link for you to follow and hopefully help to start a conversation with your children about this very important subject.

We have spent quite a lot of time in discussion about how important it is that we keep ourselves as safe online, as we do irl. (in real life!)

Maths has been the short method for division, but we are also introducing an Arithmetic Test each week in Y5. This is in a bid to prepare the children well for their prospective work in Y6so any help you can give your child in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions would be very helpful. Each child has the aim to improve the score (even by one mark!)) each week. Science has been more about Forces and we also learned about the Water Cycle in our Topic session – which seems more science-y than geography really. But it does filter in nicely with work on rivers. We had our inter-team rugby tournament as well in PE. A very busy week!

Letters should be in bags about costumes for Oliver and the song words should be there too!

A fun half term was finished with our second try at Oak Tree's Got Talent. Winners pics are attached! First = Da Squirting Squirtles and Second was Amber

Have a super half term.


Mrs Adrienne Amos