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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  2. Oak Tree - Year 5
  3. Oak Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Oak Tree Class Blog


Week 3, ending 17/11/22

Posted: Nov 16, 2022 by: Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

A short week for us at RPPS, but it still gave us many opportunities for furthering learning! The children came in each morning to Rockabilly tunes, while they completed Early Bird Maths. Some children are still needing to work on recalling their Times Table facts, so extra time with Miss Hanna has been provided in the mornings too.

In English, one area we have been developing (along with handwriting, grammar and spellings!) is the use of effective sentence openers. By looking at a poignant video from LiteracyShed called The Piano, different sentence opener ideas have been encouraged in written tasks. Hopefully, this short unit will feed into all writing tasks over the next months. It would be really helpful if parents could help children identify some effective sentence openers in reading books, as your child reads to you.

In Science, we are beginning a new unit on Electricity and in PE we have started learning the rules and skills for Tag Rugby. The Dunkirk Evacuation made for a very interesting History lesson – we spent a lot of time discussing how this event really helped changed the direction of the Second World War.

Ukelele lessons are progressing well – we are all enjoying learning new notes, chords and songs each week. Monday mornings are so much fun! And we also had a lot of fun ‘buddying up’ with our two Reception classes this week, encouraging their learning of nursery rhymes, by sharing the ones we can recall! Twinkle Twinkle seemed to be the favourite one! I think Mrs Millen and Mrs Mace have photos of this heart-warming session on their class blogs – do have a look if you can by clicking the link here.

Homework this week continues with learning our spelling rules (-able words) and some Maths is coming home each week now too. Please encourage your child to complete their tasks independently and to bring their homework into school each Wednesday morning. If your child has also brought home a Times Table booklet this weekend, it means that more time needs to be spent on these at home as well. I would like each child to complete an activity page a week and bring the booklet in each Wednesday, too.

Have a very nice weekend! (Lucky children get an extra day!)

Mrs Adrienne Amos