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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Classes
  2. Cedar Tree - Year 3/4
  3. Cedar Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Cedar Tree Class Blog


Cedar Week 7 Summer 2 w/e 19.07.24

Posted: Jul 17, 2024 by: Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


What a fantastic year with far too many highlights to list here! I am so proud of every child's progress both in their learning and self-development - particularly how their confidence has grown. In September, most would not volunteer answers or speak in front of the whole class however now we have everyone wanting to perform the class poem. In addition, we have even had to set a time limit on their Ancient Egyptian home projects to make sure we can hear them all this week because they all have so much they want to share with us all! We look forward to sharing these with you if you are able to join us on Friday afternoon.

Our learning has continued this week, from putting the final touches to our papermache' art sculptures, using our reading skills to investigate a variety of positive mental health poetry, explored more magnet and friction related Science, consolidated our Maths skills and applied them to create our own bar charts and line graphs and we have celebrated our music skills in Singing Assembly too.

We were joined by the Rotary Club who very kindly donated more dictionaries to school and presented them to our Year 3 children - the Year 4 children will be bringing their dictionaries (donated last year) home this week.

Other highlights of our week are shown in the photos below.

I have had the great pleasure to teach your child this year and make memories with them for all of us to cherish - I wish them all well over Summer and into the new term in September. It is sad to 'let them go' (a song springs to mind here!) however I know they are well set to progress with their new teachers.

Thank you also for your kind words (and presents) this week - we have been overwhelmed.

We are of course here next week too (Monday and Tuesday) however there won't be the opportunity for a Friday blog.

Please have a fun, safe and restful break over Summer.

Mr Dring and the rest of our Cedar class team (Mrs Wakefield, Mr Fones, Miss Sanderson).