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0113 391 0906

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Cedar Tree Class Blog


Cedar Week 6 Summer 1 w.e 24.05.24

Posted: May 24, 2024 by: Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


What a wild week of weather - fingers crossed it doesn't adversely affect our KS2 House Cricket tournament this afternoon where we hope to see all of the children showcasing their cricket skills. 

This week has been very Ancient Egyptian focused - with Art being to pencil sketch a proportioned face/image and then use the medium of black pen to show shading - they look very effective Tutankhamuns! In History and Geography we have continued to wonder why the Ancient Egyptian civilisation lasted so long and all of the children loved this week being historians investigating clues from copied original photos of the excavation of Tutankhamun's tomb. 

In Maths we have continued to explore many features of time (Year 4 moving on now to angles), have written our own blurbs in Writing from our fictional story ideas and showcased our computer coding skills using algorithms to create loops of repetition in our own Scratch games (although at times the children's successful additions of edited sounds did make a rather interesting cacophony!).

Well done Year 4s on your excellent efforts at the regional skipping competition - more news to follow on the school pages/newsletter.

Following on from last week, the children have raised again that at home or out and about they don't see analogue clocks - please if you get the opportunity over the holiday can you give your child chance to try reading the time and compare to a digital clock (this is still a key part of the KS2 Y3, 4, 5 and 6) curriculum currently.

I wish you all a wonderful, fun packed and safe holiday. Remember we have a teacher training day on the first day back so children return on the Tuesday.