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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  3. Cedar Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Cedar Tree Class Blog


Cedar Week 4 Spring 1 w/e 02.02.24

Posted: Jan 30, 2024 by: Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


We have had a fun and exciting week with the children particularly enthused about their English poetry unit - Haiku poems. These follow a strict 3 line, 5-7-5 syllable pattern and we have been happily clapping to work out which words about Spring we can use to fit the pattern. The children were fascinated to also learn about blossoms, tree buds and catkins. The children have said they still find using apostrophes for possession tricky so I have attached a link below in case your child asks you for further help at home.

Year 3 and 4 English Apostrophes

In Science, we used petri dishes to look at different soil types up close in detail and learnt why soil is so importance to humanity. In DT we have made our final designs ready for bread making next week! 

In Maths we have been measuring and I don't think there is anything left in the classroom that has gone unmeasured! Year 3 have focussed on equivalent measures e.g 10mm=1cm, cm=m etc and Year 4 applying that knowledge to calculate perimeters (see links below).

Year 3 Maths measure

Year 4 Maths Perimeter

In Computing we have finished our unit about how to stay safe online and be a good digital citizen. A few reminders for parents to support your child at home when online are below with more to follow next week.

Year 3 and 4 Computer Safety

  • Year 4 residential - thank you to all of those who could attend our meeting on Thursday after school. All of the links and information shared is below. We have been asked questions about packed food mostly. On the Tuesday we go, please provide your child with a packed lunch that they will eat on arrival at the centre. If you need school to provide one as part of the Free School Meals initiative, please contact school as soon as possible so we can arrange it. All other meals will be provided by school during the residential. Please return the final medical confirmation letter handed out last night as soon as possible please (even if it's for e.g Calpol etc). If you need another copy - please ask the office who will provide you a copy. Thank you.

Apologies if you received a letter with an incorrect date on - I've attached the correct dated letter below.

Meeting slides

Medical Confirmation letter

Kit list reminder

Have a lovely weekend

Mr Dring