Willow Tree Class Blog
Willow Tree Home Learning-8/2/20
Posted: Feb 5, 2021 by: Mr Kyriacou (n.kyriacou) on: Willow Tree Class Blog 2020-2021
Hello everyone,
I hope you are all keeping well! The quality and quantity of home learning being uploaded to Teams has been great and continues to improve every week, so huge thanks for your ongoing efforts. Please do get in touch if you have any questions.
Willow Tree Planning and Resources
Next week's live meetings will be...
Monday 8th February (9:30am) - Introduction to this week's learning.
Thursday 12th February (1:30pm) - Feedback and show and tell.
Next Tuesday is Safer Internet Day, and we'll be uploading an e-safety assignment to Teams on Tuesday afternoon. As this is such a crucial topic during lockdown, you may also like to explore some of the following links with your child:
UK Safer Internet Centre... www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer-internet-day-2021/i-work-young-people
BBC live lesson and other resources... www.bbc.co.uk/teach/safer-internet-day-resources/z6bbhbk
Purple Mash... www.purplemash.com/#tab/pm-home/computing/saferinternetday_5_2021
Smartie the Penguin (for younger children)... www.childnet.com/resources/smartie-the-penguin
In other news, Ted built his own snow alien and read to it as part of the snow edition reading challenge.
Take care and stay safe,
Mr Kyriacou :)