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Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Pear Tree Class Blog

Pear Tree Class Blog


Pear Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Weekly Update 4.12.20

Mrs Connolly (v.connolly) on: Pear Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Hello again, 

This week we have had a busy week doing our last bit of writing for Florence Nightingale. We spent some time acting out a day in the life of Florence in 1854. We woke up our nurses, changed the soldiers bandages and cleaned the hospital. On the next day we fed our soldiers lunch and then gave them some medicine and finally after the soldiers had gone to bed, we walked around with our lamp and checked on them. 

After our acting we drew some pictures to help us remember the events and finally we completed our writing. On Thursday we all wrote completely independently and everyone worked by themselves. We had the chance to use our time opening words that we learnt on Monday, such as: first, then, next, finally. Our recounts of an afternoon in Scutari hospital were absolutely fantastic! Have a look at some of our writing below. I know you will be impressed. 

We have also been doing some work on numbers 11 - 20 this week. We have started counting on from a given number, especially from 10. This way when we have a 10 and a 5 we don't have to count up the ten, we can just use it to start counting from and find our answer much quicker. We know that a ten is made up from 10 ones. 

Next week we are going to start thinking about Winter and Christmas. We will be leaving our Florence work and normal timetable behind, so that we can focus on doing some lovely winter crafts and learning some seasonal songs. 

As always, if you have any questions please speak to a member of staff in school.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Connolly



Weekly Update 27.11.20

Mrs Connolly (v.connolly) on: Pear Tree Class Blog 2020-2021


It has been another busy week of learning in Pear Tree Class. 

In English we have been writing instructions for Florence Lamps. We took the opportunity to follow our instructions and make some paper lamps at school. We have also been recounting Florence's journey to Scutari. We started by acting out each stage of the journey. We all became Florence for a short period of time and we travelled oh such a long way! The acting we did really helped us to tell what it was like for Florence to travel all that way. We even experienced the bumpy horse and carriage ride and we boarded the dirty cockroach infested boat, The Vectis. Our writing from this activity was really super. 

In Maths we have been doing lots of subtraction and finding the difference. The children have learnt that they must start with the larger number and subtract the smaller number. 

In phonics we have now learnt lots of Phase 5 sounds: ie, ea, ay, oy, ou, ir, ue. This morning we played a bingo game to help us consolidate our knowledge of the ue grapheme which makes the sounds '/oo' and 'you'. 

I hope spellings and homework are still going well. If you have any questions please come and see me. There are some pictures below so you can see our active learning this week. 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Connolly

Making Florence Lamps


Phonics bingo


Journey to Scutari


Weekly Update 20.11.20

Mrs Connolly (v.connolly) on: Pear Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Hello again, 

What a great week we have had in Pear Tree Class.

We had a Florence Nightingale workshop on Monday morning - please have a look at the pictures. We spent some time recounting our morning with Florence, talking about what we had done and what we had learnt. We also mapped Florence's journey to Scutari and we discussed the various ways she would have travelled. Perhaps the children can tell you how many days it took her to get to Scutari. 

In maths we have been learning about subtraction. We have had lots of practical subtraction as well as using worksheets. 

I hope that the homework and spellings are going well at home. Please keep sending homework in to school by Thursday. We enjoy looking at it and seeing how the children have gotten on at home. Don't worry if you didn't get chance to do it. It can always be completed later. We do hope that you managed to make some Teddy Bear Toast though because some children sent us pictures of their toast and it looked delicious! 

Have a lovely long weekend children (and parents if possible) and we will see you all next week. 

Take care

Mrs Connolly

Weekly Update 13.11.20

Mrs Connolly (v.connolly) on: Pear Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Hello again, 

We have had a fantastic week this week, although we have really missed those children who were not able to be in school with us. 

After getting all our marbles in our jar (class reward system) we earned some time on the new trim trail this week. Photos below.



We have also made poppies for Remembrance day. We enjoyed learning about why we celebrate this important event and who we need to remember.


In maths we have spent the week learning how to add by counting on (4+5 should be 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). We have also learnt how to find a missing part by counting on for example 7 + ? = 10 (Children will put 7 quietly in their head and count on until they get to 10 (8, 9, 10) we count on three numbers so the answer is 3!

In English we have started to learn all about instructions. We know that instructions need to have 4 key features:

a title - this tells us what they instructions are going to be about

things we will need (ingredients/ equipment)

a picture (to show us what it should look like)

method - this tells us how to do it step by step

The children wrote some instructions to make Teddy Bear Toast this week after studying the recipe for a few days. They should be bringing home their written recipes to see if they can follow it at home. This is part of their homework. 

Homework is being sent home in books every Friday and we would appreciate if this could be returned by the following Thursday. 

Spellings are being sent home every Monday on loose paper. We do not need this sheet returned to us. Spellings will be tested on a Monday morning. .

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Connolly

Weekly Update 6.11.20

Mrs Connolly (v.connolly) on: Pear Tree Class Blog 2020-2021


Welcome to our class blog! I am looking forward to being able to update you each week with a short post on the various things we have been getting up to in Pear Tree Class. 

The children have returned to school with such a positive learning attitude and we are really proud of them all. 

This week in maths we have been working on our bonds to 10. The children are very good at them already and we will be doing lots of quick recall work on our bonds to 10 over the next half term. We have also started looking at the tricky concept of balancing number bonds. This looks like 6+2 = 7+1. The children should be able to tell you that they are the same because both number sentences make 8. We will also be finishing off our addition work before moving onto subtraction soon. 

This week in English we have been recapping on our Year 1 Non-Negotiables. They are:

capital letters (for the start of a sentence and a name)

finger spaces between words

full stops at the end of the sentence (not the end of a line)

We have also talked about reading our work back to check for any mistakes as well as learning how to use the conjunction 'and'. We spent some time using this conjunction to join sentences and clauses together. 

We have also started our Florence Nightingale topic this week! We were very enthusiastic to learn about who she was and the amazing things that she did. Try asking your children about it and see what they can remember!

Additionally the children were given homework books at the end of the day on Friday. We ask that homework is completed neatly in pencil and is returned by the following Thursday. On Monday 9th, children will start receiving spellings to learn each week. The children will be tested the following Monday (I can assure you that they actually do enjoy doing mini tests and there is never any pressure on the children) and then the new spellings will be taught and sent home. 

I hope all the children and adults have a restful weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday.


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