A message from the Friends of Rufford Park
Good morning
Thank you for all the wonderful and generous donations you have sent in for the Christmas Fayre so far.
Please keep your donations coming into school this week and next. The following items should be dropped at the classroom to get a tick on the class incentive chart: jars filled with small toys/gifts/sweets etc, chocolates/sweets for the chocolate tombola and bottles for the bottle stall. Please ensure any donations are sealed and in date. The winning class from Early Years, KS1 and KS2 will receive an extra special treat!
Also, as a thank you for your donations there will be a non-uniform day on Friday 29th November as a treat for all children.
Don’t forget to return your raffle tickets and money to school to be in with a chance of winning one of our fantastic raffle prizes.
Thank you for your continued support.