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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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    1. News
    2. Whole School News
    3. Sports Day - pick up arrangements this afternoon

    Sports Day - pick up arrangements this afternoon

    20 June 2024 (by admin)

    Good morning,
    The weather is looking great for Sports Day today!
    For those parents/carers that are coming along to watch KS2 this afternoon, the children can be collected early once Sports Day has finished. Please note the below:
    • All children will return to their classroom from the Sports field
    • Ash & Maple Tree - parents/carers please wait towards the back of the KS2 playground by the trim trail. This will allow teachers to see you from the upstairs classroom window and send your child out to you
    • Oak & Beech Tree -  please wait on the KS2 playground
    • Willow & Cedar Tree - please collect at the classroom door
    If you have younger siblings to collect, please walk round to their classroom door where they can also be collected early. Please collect all older siblings first.
    Thank you.