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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing

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    1. News
    2. Sports News
    3. U11 Football Team results and standings

    U11 Football Team results and standings

    10 May 2023 (by Mr Spence (t.spence))

    After a great season in the Outer West U11 Football League this year, our football team has finished 2nd in the league resulting in a play-off game against 2nd place from another league in Leeds. We will play Adel St. John's on Monday 15th May.

    We have had great commitment from this group of players this year and have had over 20 players represent our school.

    A breakdown of our results and final league standings are below.

    Well done to all who represented Rufford Park this year, you have been amazing!