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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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    1. News
    2. Whole School News
    3. 15 January School Closure Details

    15 January School Closure Details

    15 January 2021 (by admin)

    Due to the freezing and the unsuitable driving conditions on some of the roads, many of the staff are struggling to get into school.  School is therefore closed to all children except for those whose parents are vital front line workers, who need to leave the house to go to work today and have absolutely no other childcare options. So that we have an indication of numbers, please telephone or email school if this applies to you and you do need us to support the critical work you are doing today in the fight against COVID-19.

    Best wishes 

    Mr Cooke