Oak Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update - 7.5.21
Posted: May 5, 2021 by: Miss Johansson (L.Johansson) on: Oak Tree Class Blog 2020-2021
Another busy week in Oak Tree! In English, the children have loved publishing their persuasive writing, and I'll be able to share what these look like in next week's blog - keep an eye out! In Maths, we have been looking further into the relationships between decimal numbers, percentages and fractions. We've also spent some time consolidating our knowledge of multiplying and dividing decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000!
In P.E, the children have incorporated different athletic activities into one and have been creating their own sporting events.
Next week, it is Mental Health Awareness week. Click here to find out about some wonderful activities your child can take part in at home.
Have a great weekend and please stay safe.
Miss Johansson