Maple Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update 19.3.21
Posted: Mar 19, 2021 by: Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog 2020/2021
Hi everyone,
We are quickly getting back into our normal routine. The last group completed Bikeability on Monday and the instructors commented on the great behaviour of all the children in Year 6. Everyone has enjoyed developing the skills to cycle safely on the roads.
In class, we have enjoyed learning more about the Ancient Maya by watching a virtual presentation by a Maya archaeologist. We would usually be able to invite her into school where she would present her work and show some ancient artefacts but this is not possible at the current time. The presentation was very interesting and we all learnt something new about the Maya.
In maths, our focus has been on learning about area and perimeter; calculating the area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes and the area of triangles.
We will continue working hard next week and will be completing our postcard writing in the role of an ancient Maya archaeologist.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Trotter