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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Lime Tree Class Blog

Lime Tree Class Blog

Lime Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 28.3.25

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Lime Tree Class Blog

We have had a week filled with learning. 

On Monday morning we were able to watch Key Stage Two's dress rehearsal of 'Bugsy Malone'. The children loved this experience and have been humming songs from the show all week. 

In English we have written sentences using key vocabulary from the Victorian era (including words such as 'blackboard', 'abacus', 'schoolroom' and 'drill'). We also looked at an example of a diary written by a Victorian child in preparation for next week. 

In maths we have continued looking at money. Year 1 have learnt how to recognise a variety of coins and notes. Year 2 have learnt how to add coins to make different amounts. 

We have also continued learning about animals and their habitats and we have had a look at examples of different food chains. 

Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you again on Monday for the final week of school before the Easter holidays. 

Miss Atkinson 

Weekly Update 28.3.25

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Lime Tree Class Blog

We have had a week filled with learning. 

On Monday morning we were able to watch Key Stage Two's dress rehearsal of 'Bugsy Malone'. The children loved this experience and have been humming songs from the show all week. 

In English we have written sentences using key vocabulary from the Victorian era (including words such as 'blackboard', 'abacus', 'schoolroom' and 'drill'). We also looked at an example of a diary written by a Victorian child in preparation for next week. 

In maths we have continued looking at money. Year 1 have learnt how to recognise a variety of coins and notes. Year 2 have learnt how to add coins to make different amounts. 

We have also continued learning about animals and their habitats and we have had a look at examples of different food chains. 

Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you again on Monday for the final week of school before the Easter holidays. 

Miss Atkinson 

Weekly Update 21.3.25

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Lime Tree Class Blog

Another week has flown by!

In maths the children have enjoyed learning about money. We have spent lots of time identifying different coins and making different amounts of money. 

In English the children have written some fantastic diary entries from the point of view of one of the little pigs, describing the events of the day. 

Elsewhere in the curriculum we have learnt about the responsibility that comes with owning a pet as part of our PSHE topic on rights and responsibilities. We have also enjoyed listening to some classical music as we continue to learn about Mozart in music. 

Thank you to everyone who attended Parent's Evening this week. It was a great opportunity to share all the hard work from the children and talk about their learning. 

Have a wonderful weekend and see you again on Monday!

Miss Atkinson 

Weekly Update 14.3.25

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Lime Tree Class Blog

We have had a fun-filled week in Lime Tree. 

In English the children have written apology letters from the point of view of the Big Bad Wolf apologising to the Three Little Pigs for blowing their houses down. The children hugely enjoyed pretending to be the Big Bad Wolf and their letters were fantastic. 

In art the children have enjoyed creating some leaf print paintings and some sunset paintings with Mrs Hand. 

In maths we have finished learning about fractions. To recap our learning the children completed lots of practical activities on Thursday morning. 

Hopefully the sun makes another appearance this weekend and I look forward to seeing you all at Parent's Evening on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Miss Atkinson 

Weekly Update

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Lime Tree Class Blog

The highlight of this week has definitely been World Book Day! There were some amazing costumes and the children enjoyed a day of stories and reading based activities. 

In English we have written some letters from one of the little pigs to their mother, explaining what has happened since they left home. The children showed some great enthusiasm and creativity when completing this task. 

In maths we have continued our work on fractions. Both Year 1 and Year 2 have started learning about quarters and how to find a quarter of objects and quantities. 


Elsewhere in the curriculum the children have enjoyed learning about the Victorian Age in history. We sorted photos of Yeadon according to whether they were taken in the Victorian Age or the present day. 

We also continued using the chromebooks in computing to create a piece of artwork inspired by Piet Mondrian. 


Enjoy the sunny weekend and see you again on Monday, 

Miss Atkinson